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I woke up to a distant crack of thunder. I rolled over to lock at my phone. It was only 5 PM, and I had so many messages from Laf.

i see my plan worked

yeah yeah whatever. thanks.

any plans? (;

date on friday

you're welcome

shut up

I looked over at Alex, who was still asleep. He was curled up into a ball, holding onto the pillow. He looked so small and vulnerable. I brushed his hair back and took out the tie. He stirred in his sleep, and his eyes looked like they were watering up. I put my hand on his forearm and rubbed circles with my thumb. He turned back and slowly opened his eyes. He wiped them quickly and tried to bury his face into my pillows. "Are you okay?" I asked gently.

"I'm fine," he squeaked.

"Alex, be honest."

"I'm honestly okay."

I sighed and he looked up at me. "Tell me if you're not okay, okay?"

"I know, I know. But I'm really fine." He tugged me back to lay down with him and rested his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Thank you," he said.

"For what?"

"For caring," he whispered. I laughed a bit.

"Anytime," I replied, stroking his cheek. He sat up and kissed me. I propped myself up on my elbow and wrapped my arm around him, kissing back. He put his hand on my chest. I pulled back. "You know, I really like kissing you," I said.

"I would hope so," he laughed.

"Do you want to go get some coffee?"

"I think I've had enough time in the rain for one day," he smiled.

"Well Hercules has a coffeemaker in his dorm. We can go up there and hang out. Warm up."

"Okay. I just... Ow, my contacts are drying up. I knew I was forgetting something. Let me just take hem out real quick." He crawled over me and scrambled around for his contact case. He then pulled out a pair of glasses that had a black frame front and blue temples. They suited him, and exaggerated the beauty in his eyes. "C'mon let's head up."

I lead him up to the fifth floor, the two flights of stairs tiring him out slightly. Luckily, their dorm was the second in the hall. I knocked and Laf opened the door. "Hercules, look who finally woke up."

"Where ya been Johnny boy?" Hercules shouted. Alex followed me in and Laf invited him to sit on his bed. He did, crossing his legs under him.

"Why does your dorm have a bunk bed?" he asked.

"We were supposed to have another roommate, but the kid had other plans and changed colleges," Hercules explained. "We mostly use it for storage." John came and handed me a blue mug that had a chipped handle.

"One cream, five sugars," he stated. I smiled and held the warm cup in my hands, taking small sips.

"How'd you sleep?" Hercules asked me.

"Just fine," I said.

"Did you spend most of that time making out?" he asked casually. Alex's face turned a bright red, and he looked down at his coffee. I could feel heat on my face as well.

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