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"Yeah. Hungover." I felt like the room was spinning, and like I wasn't actually awake. I wasn't used to this, and frankly, I didn't really like it. "Can we get some coffee or something?"

"You probably shouldn't be drinking anything but water. How about I go buy you some food, though. Soak up the alcohol," John said. He sounded soft and quiet, like a shy little kid. I just nodded and grabbed at my head. "Um, do-do you remember anything from last night?"

"I remember drinking, and drinking, and then throwing up, and then it just goes blank."

"Blackout drunk? Well then be glad you're up and asking for coffee and not strapped down with alcohol poisoning."

"Wow, aren't you chipper."

"Sorry, I just...had a rough night, I guess."

"Tell me about it," I scoffed.

He laughed a little and started to mess with his hair. "Um, okay, I-I'll be right back." And he took off. I dug around in the drawers for some aspirin and dry swallowed them. God, today was going to suck. I swear, this could ward me off drinking forever. I turned off the lights and sat down on the bed, letting everything relax before I did anything sudden, and I tried to just lay down and go back to sleep.


He doesn't remember. Oh my God, he doesn't remember. I had mixed emotions running through me, because for one I was happy that he didn't remember but then I was said because he doesn't remember. I tried shaking it off as much as I could, but the thought just kept coming back to attack me. I was walking down to the vending machine, counting the dollar bills that were shoved into my pocket, and I accidentally ran into someone.

"I-I'm so sorry-" I looked up and saw Lee. "Oh it's just you, nevermind."

"Well that's one hell of a greeting," he smirked, rubbing against my arm.

"Don't touch me," I snapped.

"Oh, I think someone used to have a very different reaction, on-"

"Once upon a fucking time. Get out of here, douchebag."

"That's no way to talk to someone's RA, now is it, Laurens."

"Don't fucking touch me. Don't you have a someone else to harass?"

"I just thought you'd like to know what your little friend was doing last night."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, see, you told me to leave, so that's what I'm doing now, because that's what you wanted, right?"

"Okay, wait. What..." I looked around nervously. "What did Alex do last night?"

"Let's just say he put on a little show, alright?"

"He's not like that. Maybe you mixed up some faces while you were smoking. Seems like something your slutty little Samuel might do, though." I turned around and continued to walk away, but he grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn around.

"I think I know what I saw last night. Your precious, innocent little Alexander. All. Over. Me." He dragged out the words and poked me firmly in my chest. "But, after all maybe I did smoke a little too much, huh? But he didn't exactly come home saying he loved you, now did he?" He teased me, grazing my arms and rubbing my shoulders. He stepped towards and stood closely - where I could feel his breath on me. "Did he?" he hissed.

"That's none of your business. Now, kindly. Go. Fuck. Your. Self." I gave him a harsh shove and walked away. I could feel my eyes starting to burn from holding back my tears. He couldn't have possibly been telling the truth. Alex... He wouldn't do that. Would he? But I couldn't ask him, because he doesn't remember. So I'll have to ask Aaron.

I ran over to his dorm and banged on his door.

"Whoa, hey, calm down John," he said.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I yelled.

"What are you talking about?"

"What the fuck happened between Alex and Lee?!" I screamed, shoving him. He went quiet. "Fucking answer me Burr! What'd he do?"

"He tried hooking up with him, okay? I found Lee with his fingers in Alex's belt loops and Alex was trying to shove him off! Okay!?"

"Wh-What?" I felt everything leave my body and felt three inches tall.

"Lee was trying to hook up with him, alright? Alex pushed him all he could, but he was drunk and that's when I found him, grabbed him and took him home.

"Lee said he was putting on a show," I stated quietly.

"Of course he did, he a fucking idiot. He's just trying to get under your skin. You left him, and just can't let him control you like this anymore, alright?"

"But he just-"

"I know you thought he was telling the truth, but he's just trying to get to you John. Okay? You have someone who cares a lot about you upstairs, probably still passed out. Do you really want to leave that for someone who's just going to take advantage of you?"

I went quiet. "I...I have to go," I said, turning around and rushing out before he had anything else to add. I felt tears starting to pour, but I just kept walking until I got back to the dorm room. I slammed the door shut, jolting Alex awake.

"I'm sorry I didn't-...Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Here drink this, take some aspirin and eat something." I handed everything to him and went and sat down on my bed. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"John, are you sure you're okay?"

I couldn't hold it back. "Did you try hooking up with Charles Lee last night?"


"It's a yes or no question, Alexander."

"I don't remember anything from last night."

"That seems awfully convenient," I spat.

"What's the matter with you?" he scoffed.

"I just want to know what happened!"

"Then ask Aaron, ask Charles. I can't fucking remember John! I blacked out! I'm sorry I couldn't handle my fucking liquor!"

"You're pathetic," I grumbled. "Sortirican."

Alex looked like I just slapped him across the face. "Get out," he squeaked. "I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Alexander. Okay I-I was way-"

"Way out of line. Get the fuck out of here, John. Now!"

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