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[i know i messed up the order of the songs but let's pretend i didn't - k i t]


Alex really seemed to like the show. And I was glad someone finally did, because none of my other friends liked it. Now I finally had someone to talk about the show with. I leaned over on the armrest and just sighed happily. I was absolutely in love with this show, and now I had a friend who loved it just the same. Alex came back just a couple minutes before intermission ended. He still had my jacket on, even though it was practically swallowing him alive.

The lights dimmed back down but I still hesitated to turn my attention away from Alex and back onto the stage. He looked so breathtakingly handsome. The lights reflected off of him perfectly. The jacket made him look smaller than he really was and he had a smile pressed onto his face. His eyes were huge with amazement as the musical went through on stage. I couldn't bring myself to look away from him.

What the hell was I thinking? Just yesterday I hated his guts, and now I was just thinking about how handsome he was. I was finally able to redirect my vision away from him and at the stage. The songs made me smile and flooded me with excitement and adrenaline just as it did the first time I saw it. It seemed to do the same to Alex. He seemed so entranced by the act. I felt a twist in my stomach and I found myself staring at him again. I needed to stop. Nothing would ever happen between me and Alexander.

The show ended and the actors came to give their final bows. We left and walked back to the dorms. But we took our time. I let Alex keep my jacket because I honestly felt fine, and the genius didn't bring one of his own.

"So do you know what other shows you might want to see?" I asked. He nodded with the biggest grin on his face.

"Yeah. Yeah and I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks John."

"That's what friends are for," I said.

He laughed a bit. "Yeah friends."

"So what are the shows?"


"The shows. The ones you want to see."

"Oh! Yeah, um... Ha, um, I really want to see the other one you mentioned."


"Yeah. A-And I want to see... What was it called... Wicked?"

"Those are some good ones. I'll be sure to tell Burr and the others."

"Yeah..." he whispered.

"Hey, are you okay? You look kinda down."

"What? Oh. N-No I'm fine. Just tired, I guess," he shrugged.

"Well the dorm isn't much further."

So we walked the rest of the way in silence, getting to the dorm around ten o'clock.

"You're always cutting it so close Laurens," a voice said. I looked over and saw Charles sitting there with his book, and his feet propped up like always.

"Relax Lee, there's still half an hour 'till curfew."

"What are you always doing out?"

"Sorry, its called having a life, you should try it sometime."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Who's your friend?" he huffed.

Alex stopped and hid behind me. "Alexander Hamilton," I said. "He's my roommate dumbass."

"Watch it John," he growled.

"As RA shouldn't you know who's living your dorm building?" I chuckled.

S T U D Y [Hamilton AU] (LAMS)Where stories live. Discover now