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I showered and changed into some warm clothes, heading back to the dorm. I walked in and saw John playing with his turtle. "So," I started. He turned around to face me, holding the little turtle in his hands. "Are Lafayette and Hercules coming over?" I asked.

He nodded. "Burr too. They'll be over in just a bit. Burr's on the first floor and the other two on the fifth."

I just nodded and sat on my bed. He put the turtle back in the tank and got some hand sanitizer. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah I'm fine. Just a little shaken up I guess from the storm."

"It'll pass." He rubbed my shoulder.


There was a soft knock on the door. John went to open it, and Lafayette and Hercules walked in, saying their 'hello's and sitting on John's bed. "How did you guys handle the storm last night?" Hercules asked. John and I looked at each other.

"Slept right through it," I lied. John nodded.

"Yeah I was out before the thunder started. You know me, I can sleep through anything."

"We know," Lafayette chuckled.

"It was a hell of a storm though. I swear I thought the building was gonna collapse," Hercules laughed. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Oh, I-I thought we'd just stay here," John said.

"But it's raining outside! Can't miss that," he replied.

"Yeah but A- I-I mean, it's not like you haven't seen rain before guys." Lafayette leaned over and whispered something in John's ear and then in Hercules'. I felt massively out of place. "Alright okay. We'll meet you guys downstairs in five." And they got up and left. I panicked.

"But I-"

"Relax. It'll be just like last night, walking around town."

"It wasn't pouring last night."

"C'mon Alex, live a little."

"I'm not going outside."

"I'll be right by your side. We all will be. C'mon, Alex. Nothing's gonna happen to you. I promise."

I sighed. "Fine, fine. But I don't have a raincoat." He handed me his jacket, the one I used last night. "John I-"

"I have plenty of jackets. I'll be fine. You might want to change." I looked down at my clothes. I still looked like I was in pajamas so I did change in a long sleeve shirt and jeans. I tied up my hair and put on the jacket, that still smelt like him. He changed into some warmer clothes and pulled a hoodie on. "C'mon."

I followed him down the stairs and to the front of the building.

"You really going out there Hamilton?"

I turned around and saw Charles hunched over the counter. "W-What?"

"It's pouring. You sure your friends are actually going to help you out there?"


"Leave him alone Lee. C'mon Alex, let's go." John grabbed my arm and we went outside. It wasn't raining as hard as it had been earlier, but it was still raining hard.

"John, what did Charles mean by that?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Don't listen to him, Charles is just an asshole. A grade A douchebag. He's just trying to pick a fight."

"But it's almost like he knew-"

"I said don't listen to him!"

I looked down, fiddling with the bottom of the jacket. "Sorry," I whispered.

S T U D Y [Hamilton AU] (LAMS)Where stories live. Discover now