Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Here's chapter 3! Don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it!! :)



I opened my eyes, slowly. Everything was blurry. Where was I? The last thing I could remember was... I was watching a movie about war... Then I couldn't remember anything. I groaned and tried to get up. My head was hurting so much; it was as if someone had shot it or something like that.

"Mum? M-Mummy?" I whispered as loud as I could but my throat was dry. How many hours did I sleep for?

I was so scared, I wanted to cry. I was scared of the dark. Suddenly, someone turned on the light. I closed my eyes, everything was shining too much, and it hurt.

"Hey... I'm here. You can open your eyes. I was so worried about you! You began vomiting blood, I-I was so worried. I thought you were dying..." My mother whispered, her voice cracking at the end.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was shocked. I was in my bed, my mother was next to me, and she looked like hell. Her hair was messy and her eyes were red and puffy. She looked like she hadn't slept for days.

"What did the doctor say? How long do I have?" I asked quietly.

"Well, if you want to stay like that... A year at the most..." She whispered, a tear rolling down her right cheek, silently praying I would choose the other option.

"I don't want to shave my hair and fight... You know that. It didn't work the first time so why would it now? I'm sorry mum." I whispered, looking everywhere but her. I didn't want to see her face at the moment; I couldn't.

She nodded before leaving the room. I could hear her sobbing. "I'm sorry..." I whispered before falling back asleep, too tired to stay awake any longer.

I woke up when I heard my alarm clock. I groaned before shutting it off. I was so tired... I rubbed my eyes and got up slowly. I went in the bathroom to take a warm shower. I wished school would begin later. I needed at least 10 hours of sleep. I would die if I didn't sleep more. Luckily for me, the day after was Saturday.

After that, I pulled on the first clothes I saw, without looking if they were matching or not, and went downstairs.

"Honey! You should stay at home until you get better." My mum told me, sounding worried.

"Mum, I'm fine. I promise. I don't want to miss school for things like that. Hey... Can I pass the weekend at a friend's house, please? Her name is Amelia and she's my new friend." I said with a little smile.

"The whole weekend? Well... Why not? ...But you have to promise me something before. If you don't feel great, you have to call me, alright? And I want to meet her mother!" She exclaimed in a protective tone.

"Okay, whatever." I answered, rolling my eyes. I wasn't seven anymore!

I quickly ate a granola bar before brushing my teeth and leaving for school. "Shit! I forgot to take my pills." I mumbled to myself, as I was getting closer and closer to the high school.

Amelia was waiting for me; she was sitting on a bench near the school. She was listening to music; I could hear it from where I was. I think she was listening to Katy Perry.

"Hey." I told her.

She didn't hear me, her eyes where closed and she was singing to herself. What was I supposed to do? Wait for her to notice me? Or I could give her a small payback for yesterday...

I touched her shoulder, shaking her slightly. She jumped, letting out a small yell. "Shit Michael! You scared me!" She yelled a hand on her heart as she was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry... Payback for yesterday." I answered a grin on my lips.

She stuck out her tongue to me, before kissing my cheek.

"Hey... The appointment I had this weekend was rescheduled, so I'm free... So, if you still want to hang out with me..." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair nervously.

"YAY!!!! Of course!!! You have to meet my brother!! I promise you will like him!!" She said jumping up and down in excitement. I couldn't help but laugh, she was so cute. I wish I had more time for her. Sadly, I didn't. "And my brother is really cute, you know..." She winked at me, with a big smile.

"Shut up... I don't have time for relationships..." I mumbled, blushing.

"You're sooo cute when you're blushing Michael!" She said in a baby voice, and then pinched my cheeks.

"Stop that, I'm not a baby! And I don't even know what he looks like." I mumbled, crossing my arms on my chest, with a pout on my face.

"Well, his name is Arthur. He is 19 years old. He has kind of short blond hair and wonderful baby blue eyes. You'll fall in love when you see him, I swear." She giggled.

"I don't have time for that. Let's go, or we will be late." I sighed.

Luckily, the day passed quickly, everybody ignored me and I liked that. I didn't want to be popular, I had a friend and that was okay with me. I didn't have time to be popular.

"So... Do you want to come now or wait until tomorrow?" Amelia asked me with a puppy face.

"But... I don't have any clothes..." I murmured a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Please! We will go to your house tomorrow morning so you can get clothes... Please Michael?" She whined, clasping her hands together as if she was praying.


"Yay!! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!" She said jumping in my arms.

"Am I bothering you?"

We both looked behind us, Amelia's mother was here. She was smiling, hands on her hips and was waiting for us to answer.

"Oh sorry mum! It's Michael, he can spend the weekend at home, and he's free! Can he come now? We'll bring his clothes tomorrow. Please?" She asked, giving her a puppy look.

"Well, of course. I'm happy to meet you Michael." Amelia's mother said with a smile, before getting back in her car.

I smiled back at her and we went in the car. During the journey, I sent a message to my mother to explain everything to her.


"Amelia... Do you have any pills for my headache, please?"

"Yeah of course, wait a minute." She said, before leaving me in the living room. She came back a few minutes later with pills and a glass of water. I took them and drank the water just after.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile.

"Come with me, I want you to meet my brother!" She said, winking at me.

I followed her, we went upstairs and she opened a door, without knocking. A teenager was sitting on the bed, doing something on his laptop. I guess it was Arthur and we were in his bedroom... She didn't lie, he was really cute. He had deep baby blue eyes and his blond hair was all around his face. He was just handsome. He was only two years older than me but he looked younger. I was lost in my thoughts; I didn't even see that Amelia was next to Arthur, saying something to him with her hands. Then she came back next to me.

"Hey, I have to say something to my mother, you can stay with Arthur. You can speak to him; he will read your lips. He will probably use his laptop to answer you." She said, leaving the room. She only stopped to wink at me. I glared at her, she only laughed and left. I could hear her laugh in the corridor. Ugh, I hated her so much at the moment.

I looked at Arthur; he was staring at me, curiously. When he saw that I was looking at him, he waved his hand with a small smile. I smiled back, blushing a little. I was so embarrassed; I didn't know what to do! How were you supposed to speak with someone when the person couldn't answer you?

After a few minutes, I went slowly near the bed, and sat next to him. Arthur looked at me with a big smile. I guess he was happy I was here... He must feel lonely. He wrote something on his laptop and gave it to me.

"Hey, I'm Arthur but I guess you already know that. My sister told me you'll spend the weekend here. I'm happy to meet you. :)"

I smiled, he was cute and he seemed really nice. I began to write under his message.

"Hi. I'm Michael. I was supposed to come tomorrow but Amelia insisted, so here I am... She talks a lot about you, you know..."

I gave him his laptop back. And we began to talk like that.

"Really? What does she say? Bad or good things?"

"Mostly good things... She loves you."

"Aww, she's so cute! I love her too. Can I ask you a question? :)"

"Yeah...What do you want to know?"

"Do you like me? Amelia made a lot of references about that... I just want to know... But if you don't it's alright. :$"

I stared at the laptop, blushing, I didn't know what to write. So, Amelia told her brother that I may like him and she left so I could speak to him... I was going to kill her.

"Mmh... It's not that I like you or don't like you... I'm sorry; I don't know how to answer that question... I don't know you enough for that... But you seem really nice and you're not bad looking either..."

I gave him his laptop back, and looked at him while he was reading my answer. He had a small smile and his cheeks were slightly pink. He was so cute... He put his laptop on his bed and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow, confused. What was he doing? Suddenly he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you..." He whispered.

He had a baby voice, which was so cute! I already seemed to like him and I had only just met him... Dear god... Then he got up and left the room. Okay... What did I have to do now?

I left the room and went downstairs. Amelia was there, in the kitchen. When she saw me, she smiled and went near me. "Sooo?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, with a smirk.

"We spoke a little... He seems nice... You didn't tell me he could speak..." I mumbled a slight frown on my face.

"Of course he can speak, he's not mute. But he rarely speaks because he hates his voice. He knows he can't pronounce everything right because he can't hear himself, so he doesn't usually speak... Except with me, sometimes... If he told you something, he must like you." She giggled this strange glint in her eyes.

I blushed, which made her laugh harder. "By the way, I'm going to kill you in your sleep for that." I told her with an innocent smile.

"Really? I can't wait to see that." She answered, winking at me. I glared at her, sticking out my tongue.

"Do you want to help us make dinner?" Amelia asked me, taking my hand and leading me to where her mother was. At that moment, I forgot all my problems and began to help. The weekend would be full of emotions that were for sure.

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