Chapter 11: After The Operation

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Here's a new chapter! I hope you will like it!! :) 

And sorry for not updating for weeks.. I was really busy studying for my exams. :(


I opened my eyes, breathing heavily. I was in a white, sunny room; there was a constant beeping next to me. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, feeling really tired. I heard the sound of the door as someone exited the room. I felt the heat of a body next to me and turned my head. Arthur was there, with red, puffy eyes and dark circles around it. He smiled tiredly, and gave me a small peck on the lips, just in time when the doctor entered into the room, followed by my parents.

My parents rushed toward me; my mother sat on a free chair next to my bed and took my hand. Tears were leaking from her eyes as she gave me a tired smile. My father was behind my mother, his eyes were red but I could see he was struggling not to cry.

"Michael, I'm happy to see you're finally awake. You scared us, you know? We almost lost you and when we saved you, we didn't know for sure if you would wake up. Do you want to know what happened?" The doctor asked me as he came closer to me.

I didn't answer for a few minutes when, finally, my eyes widened in realization. The nightmare! Everything seemed so real! I tried to speak but my throat was dry, so I only nodded.

"Well, once you were asleep, we began the operation. Everything went on perfectly until we had to remove the last part of the tumor... This part was on a very sensitive part of your brain, we did our best to remove it but you will have to come here every two weeks for a few months just to make sure it doesn't come back. We gave you strong painkillers so that's normal if you can't feel the pain at the moment. If, one day, you have headaches, call me. It may be a sign that the tumor is back. Any questions?"

"W-When will I come back at home? And what about my hair?" I whispered as loud as I could but it wasn't easy. I grimaced when I heard how cracked my voice was.

"You should be free at the end of the week if everything is alright. You hair should come back soon... Except where the scar is, but it's not very large so once your fluffy hair would have grown back, it will be invisible."

The doctor gave us a small smile and left the room. My father gave me a kiss on the forehead and sat at the end of the bed; he looked exhausted. We were in a comfortable silence and I almost fell asleep, I opened my eyes when I heard my mother's voice.

"Do you want us to leave for a moment so you could be alone with your special friend?" She asked a strange glint in her eyes which made me stiffen. Special friend? Does she know something? I nodded quickly; I needed to ask some things to Arthur. What if he told them the truth about us?

At the second my parents left the room, Arthur came onto the bed next to me and pulled me into a hug. His head was on my left shoulder and I could hear him sniffle time to time. I passed my hand through his smooth blond hair, trying to calm him down.

"I-I... I fucking hate you... You don't know how much you scared me... I thought you were going to die! What would I have done without you? I lo-... You can't imagine how happy I am right now. I've been in this hospital since your operation, one week ago..." He said between sobs.

I froze; I've been in the coma for one week? No wonder my parents looked dead on their feet. I took his face into my hands and crashed my lips onto his.  I groaned and closed my eyes. How much I missed this sensation. I broke the kiss when I was out of breath. Panting, I began to speak still staring at him. "I-I saw you in my dreams while I was being operated. You told me to fight and then everything went dark... I don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for you... You gave me the strength to fight. Thank you." I mumbled and watched as his eyes began to fill with fresh tears.

He gave me a quick peck and began to nibble my neck, occasionally licking it. Then, he moved to my earlobe and began to bit it gently. I moaned quite loudly, the monitor next to me which was showing my heartbeats went totally crazy. I pushed him out of me as I was trying to catch my breath. He looked at me, hurt in his eyes.

"We can't do that there... The monitor's going completely crazy... The doctor and the nurses will come here and everybody will see us... God... I missed you so much..." I murmured with semi-closed eyes. 

"I can see that." He said, trying to hide his amusement. I opened my eyes and saw that I had a little problem. 

"You know, I love when you speak, your voice is really beautiful, Arthur." I closed my eyes, a small smile on my lips as Arthur went next to me. I fell asleep, a happy smile on my face, in Arthur's arms. 


When I woke up, the sun was already shinning into the room. I don't know how many painkillers they gave me but it was really, really strong. Arthur wasn't next to me anymore, but he was on the chair next to me. I frowned slightly upset, I missed him. I missed the sensation of his body next to me.

"Hey sweetie, how do you feel? The nurses brought you some things to eat and your friends are waiting outside." My mother said before kissing my cheek gently. She looked at Arthur before looking back at me, her smile widened.

I began to eat some pudding and a pear. Ugh, hospital food wasn't good at all. Once I was finished, my mother left the room and my friend entered. I smiled as I saw them; it's been a long time.

"Baby boyyy, you scared me sooo much, you know that?! And this is so strange to see you without your hair! But don't worry you still look good!" Eddy said as he hugged me tightly. My hair... Yesterday, when I was with Arthur and this morning, I completely forgot that... I felt a lump in my throat and I closed my eyes. I didn't have the chance to see myself yet but I bet I looked like a horrible, scrawny alien. How Arthur could stay with someone like me?

"Shut up, Eddy! How stupid can you be? I fucking told you not to mention his hair; you know how important it is for him!" Amelia told him as she pushed him out of the way. She took me into my arms and kissed my forehead a few times. "You're wonderful, Michael. And your hair will grow back soon. You can't imagine how scared we were." She whispered into my ear before whipping my eyes.

"Hey... I'm sorry; I didn't want to make you cry." Eddy said a frown on his face. He looked really guilty.

After that hurtful and embarrassing moment, we spoke during a few hours until they had to leave. Arthur gave me a sweet kiss before waving at me until he left the door. After that, my mother came back and sat next to me on the bed. She hugged me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

"The doctor told me you will be able to go back home tomorrow. That's a great thing, no?" I nodded, feeling completely exhausted. "Do you want to speak? Your friends are really nice... Especially Arthur, he's a real sweetheart." 

"Yeah... He's really nice." I said a small smile on my lips.

"You like him, don't you?" She asked me, raising an eyebrow as she was waiting for my answer. I stiffened; I really didn't know what to say. How?! Nobody knew about my sexuality except my friends.

"You know.... I've always had doubts about your sexuality... But, it's easy to see the way you look at him... And what kind of friend waits for you for one week, uh? How long have you been together?"

I bit my lips before answering. "About two weeks, I guess... I-I just... Why didn't you tell me that before? I was so scared to tell you that I'm... That we are..." My mother stopped me with a movement of the hand and glared at me.

"We are your parents. We will love you no matter what. Do you understand? You are my baby and you will always be my baby, okay?" She asked, giving me a stern look. "Now, you should sleep. Tomorrow, you're leaving this hospital." 

Tomorrow, I will leave the hospital and I promise I'll organize a surprise to Arthur. Maybe ask him on a date or something, but it will be great. 


So, what do you think about this chapter? Did you like it?

What do you think will happen?

Thank you for reading! x :)

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