Chapter 8: Appointment

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you will like it!! :)


"Mum, Dad, I want to meet the doctor." I said during the dinner, continuing to eat as if nothing happened.

"For real? You... Oh my god! You're serious?" She asked in a trembling voice as her eyes filled with tears.

"Yeah, I'm serious. I want to meet him tomorrow, is that alright?" I asked, taking a sip of my water bottle. 

She nodded and hurried to the phone; it was hard to ignore their happiness as I told them what I wanted to do. I hated it, it made me feel guilty. Why did I ignore it for so long? What would I do if it was already too late? I don't want to die, not anymore. I had a reason to live.

"Why did you change your mind? It's not that I'm not happy about it because, believe me, I am but why did you change your mind suddenly?" My father asked, raising an eyebrow and waiting for an answer while my mother was on the phone with the doctor in the living room.

"I... I just met some friends, and I really, really like them... Amelia, Arthur and Eddy are just amazing and I... I don't want to leave my family and my friends. I would feel horrible. Now, I realize how selfish I was all this time and I regret it..." I sighed and closed my eyes. My head hurt so much lately, more than before and it worried me. What if it was too late? One year wasn't enough.

"Is that all? Not because you have a crush or something, right?" He asked me, amusement in his eyes as he tried to hide his smile and happiness. It's been a while since I saw him like that.

I rolled my eyes, trying not to blush at his comment and finished my delicious meal. My mother came a few minutes later, a small smile on her face. "The doctor will be there tomorrow in the late morning. He will ask you some questions and will do some tests. If everything is alright, then you will have to go to the hospital and do the operation."

Tomorrow will be an important day. 


"Hello Michael, how are you?" The doctor, a tall, balding man in his forties, asked me with a small smile as he sat on my bed, next to me.

"I'm okay, I guess. I just have a big headache and it's getting worse every day" I groaned, passing a hand through my curly hair.

"I see... So, your mother told me that you wanted to do the operation. I'm very happy about that. Can I ask one question before beginning the auscultation? Why did you change your mind? The last time I came there, you were pretty determined to die..." He murmured, saying the end of his sentence with a frown on his face.

"Oh god... Everybody is asking me the same question! Is it that important?" I whined, crossing my arms on my chest like a little child.

"Well, it is important. You see, the determination is really considerable during an important operation such as yours. That's why we never did it without your permission, it wouldn't have worked. But now, if you're ready to fight and if your determination is really strong, you have a chance to survive even if it's not going to be easy. You understand what I mean?" The doctor asked, his eyes never left mine as he spoke as if he was trying to enter into my head to know what I was thinking at this moment.

I nodded and broke the eye contact. "I may like someone..." I mumbled, staring at my ceiling which was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.

"You may like someone? I see, well, we shall begin now." He told me with an ounce of humor in his voice, trying to hide a playful smile. "I'm going to ask you a few questions at first, but you will have to go to the hospital to have a full exam before the operation, alright?" He asked, becoming serious again. 

I only nodded and waited for him to begin his questioning. "So, first question. Imagine you had to compare the headaches you had two years ago and the ones you have now, okay? Two years ago, on a scale to one to ten, you said the pain was at about four but it could increase to six when it was really powerful. How woulditbenow?"

"Mmmhh... It depends, I would say nine when it's a great day but it can increase to... I don't know... More than ten that's for sure. When it's a really bad day, I can't concentrate on anything and I feel like my head is going to explode." I answered truthfully.

"I see... That seems really bad... Do you still bleed when you have strong emotions?"

"Yes, more than before! For example, a few days ago I was with my bo... I was with the person I like and we were just kissing and... And making out a bit and I was bleeding so much, I thought I was going to die." I finished a slight blush on my face. I couldn't believe I almost told him I had a boyfriend! It's not that I'm ashamed or anything, it's just that I don't want him, and my parents, to know that now. Maybe just after the operation, it seemed like a better idea.

"Okay... You don't need to be so shy; I'm not going to tell anything to your parents, they will see the results after the hospital's exams. I will only share my observations with the hospital so you will be able to have this operation sooner. Last question, do you have any problems, except the headaches and the bleeding?"

"No... At least, not that I know of..." I trailed off with a small frown on my face. Other problems? As if my life was easy.

After this little questioning, he thanked me for answering honestly and wrote something on a paper. Once he was done, he gave it to me with a small smile and left the room. I heard the front door a few minutes later which meant he left. I sighed and put my head on my fluffy pillow and finally closed my eyes. I was exhausted.

"Hey, Michael... Are you awake? What did the doctor say? When do you have to go to the hospital for the operation?" My mother asked sweetly as she sat on a chair in front of my bed.

"Mum... Too many questions for me, I'm so tired right now, I didn't even read his paper. His writing is so bad, it's killing me." I groaned, and passed a hand through my hair without opening my eyes.

She laughed quietly, and then she took the paper which was on my bed, next to my chest. A few minutes later, my mother was still silent which was strange, she was never silent. With a sigh, I opened my eyes and looked at my mother. "What?" I asked, justwanting to sleep.

"Nothing... It's just that you have to do a brain scan tomorrow at the hospital. Then, if it's still possible, you will have an operation before the end of the week..." She mumbled, staring at me right in the eyes and waiting for my reaction.

"Wait...What?! Before the end of the week?? But... I'm not ready!! I've so many things to do before this operation... What about school? I don't want to miss it and miss graduation... Mum!" I whined, some desperation in my voice. I didn't know if I was happy or not. Yes, I was happy because it meant that I may be able to live longer but I knew that I would have to tell what I have to Amelia and Arthur and it's not going to be an easy thing...

My mother kissed my cheek and left my room, leaving me alone while the sun was disappearing more and more each minutes, leaving me with my thoughts and my worries. What if it was already too late? What if Arthur hated me for not telling him the truth sooner? What if I die while they are doing the operation? I thought worryingly while I was biting my lips.

I took my phone and my earphones and put some music, trying to stay calm. (full song here -->)

"....I think my mind is gone
I'm left here wondering
Was I crazy all along?
What do I do?
Nothing left but pray
Gonna shoot somebody
Help me drive this craziness away
I'm happy on my own...."

With these not so calming thoughts, I fell asleep, silently praying that everything will be okay.


I hope you enjoyed it! What will happen in the next chapter?

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting!

I'm really sorry I'm not updating this story very often but I'm also busy with one of my new story "Save Me", don't hesitate to check this out too if you're interested. :)

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