chapter 9: Revelation

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I walked in the long, white corridors in the hospital; my parents were walking in front of me. This part of the hospital was particularly silent which made me think of a cemetery. I didn't sleep a lot, I was way too stressed. 

"Here we are, get ready. The doctor will be there in a few minutes." A nurse in her mid-thirties told me, passing a hand through her short, wavy, ginger hair.

We sat on a big, comfy sofa and waited for the doctor. A few minutes later, a young man with shaved hair and bright grey eyes sat in front of us after shaking our hands.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Sohn. You're here for the Head MRI, right?" He asked, giving us a big, warm smile. I frowned and put my head down. "Alright... Head MRI means Head Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This test uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create pictures of the brain and surrounding nerve tissues. With this test, we will know how and where is the tumor and if it's possible to operate on you." He finished and waited for our reaction.

Then the doctor gave me a hospital gown and I went to a special room to change my clothes. When I was done, I came back into the room where the doctor already prepared everything. I laid down on a narrow table which slided into a large tunnel-shaped scanner. I had to stay in this small space for about one hour, and I had to make sure not to move a lot. I couldn't even try to sleep because of the loud noises the machine was producing.

When it was over; I went back to the room to put on my clothes and sat on the sofa where my parents were. My mother sent me a small, stressed smile and gave me a small cake that she bought a few minutes ago. I ate a little, not really hungry and waited for the doctor and the results. I wiped my hands on my jeans and closed my eyes, trying to relax while I was waiting. 

The doctor came back, giving us a small smile and sat in front of us, he put a large envelope on his knees and began to speak. "So, the results are in this big envelope with some pictures of the brain scan. I'm pleased to announce to you that the operation will be possible." He told us with a happy smile.

As soon as he finished his sentence, my mother began to cry. My father took her in his arms, making small circles in her back. I had tears in my eyes, I couldn't believe it. I still had a chance to survive! "We will make the operation tomorrow. We need to do it now or the operation will become harder and harder, the tumor is growing quite rapidly." 

We said goodbye to the doctor and we left the hospital. I had to tell the truth to Amelia, Arthur and Eddy, now. It won't be easy... During the travel toward home, I texted Eddy and told him to meet me at Amelia and Arthur's house.

"Where are you going, sweetie?" My mother asked me, staring at me with worried eyes.

"I have to speak to my friends. I can't do this operation like that; they have the right to know the truth." I answered and began to walk, making my way toward Amelia and Arthur's house.


"Hey, Michael! What are we doing there?" Eddy asked me, and kissed my cheek as a 'hello'.

"I need to tell you something important. Amelia and Arthur need to hear that too." I quickly answered, giving him a nervous smile.

A few seconds after the end of my sentence, the front door opened. Amelia kissed our cheek with a happy smile and we went toward Arthur's bedroom where he was waiting. I smiled and sat next to him. He gave me a small kiss which I deepened, passing my tongue on his lips until he opened his mouth and we continued our kiss. We were stopped by an enormous, high squeal. We stopped our kiss, our face red with embarrassment when we realized what we had done. It's not like we were alone!  Eddy was staring at us, a big smile on his face and was making small strange noises.

"I didn't know you had a HOT boyfriend! You are both so, so cute. Oh my god, I'm going to die, too much cuteness for meeee!" Eddy squealed, bouncing out of excitement. Arthur was looking at Eddy with wide eyes, then he staring at me with an eyebrow raised; probably wondering who he was and what he was doing there as well as what he said. I explained what Eddy said, making sure to speak not too fast so he could understand. When I finished my explanation, he made an 'o' with his mouth and staring at his hands, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"He's deaf." Amelia said to Eddy who was completely lost.  "What did you want to tell us, Michael?" She asked me, staring at me as she was waiting for my answer.

I took a deep breath, trying to ignore their stares and began to speak; making sure Arthur could read my lips. "So... It's not easy for me but... Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital... I'm going to have an important operation b-because I...I'm sick... I've brain tumor..." I explained, ending my sentence in a whisper. I heard gasps all around me, I looked at Arthur, his mouth was close but his eyes were beginning to water. He looked heartbroken. "I'm... I'm sorry." I murmured, staring at my boyfriend, tears in my eyes.

Eddy pulled me into a tight hug from behind, his head resting on my head, I could hear his sniffles. Amelia also took me in her arms, putting her head on my left shoulder, she was crying too. Finally, Arthur hugged me and put his head on the other shoulder. During a few minutes, we were there, into a giant hug, everybody was crying; especially Arthur who was hugging my waist as if he was afraid I would disappear.

Tomorrow will be a very important day, for me, my friends and my parents. I really hope everything will be okay. I don't want my parents to be sad, I don't want to break the heart of Arthur, more than I already did, and I don't want to lose my crazy but lovely friends. Yep, tomorrow will be very important. Goodbye my beautiful, curly brown hair.



So, what did you think about this chapter? I hope you liked it! I'll try to post another chapter soon! :)

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