chapter 5: Conversation

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The weekend was amazing. I had a lot of fun with Arthur and Amelia. Arthur was now one of my friends; he was a really nice guy. I understood why Amelia loved him so much. I really liked him but I think it would be awkward to date my best friend's brother. But if he wanted a relationship with me I would agree, that was for sure... Only time would tell...

Right now, I was in my bedroom studying for a French test I had to do tomorrow. My mother entered into my room and sat on a chair next to me. She was watching me carefully as I was trying to read a French text which was kind of difficult. "What do you want?" I asked looking at her after a few minutes. She had never been that quiet, it worried me.

"How's school?" She asked me in a serious tone. I could see fear and the apprehension in her eyes.

"It's ok. I'm glad to finally be normal. Amelia and Arthur are really great friends. I'm glad to know them." I answered with a smile so big that my jaw hurt.

"Did you tell them your... problem?" She asked raising an eyebrow and playing with her fingers. I could see she was a bit embarrassed.

"No. I don't see why I need to. It's not that important." I sighed, closing my book.

"Not that important? Are you serious? When will you tell them? At the hospital when you've got no hope anymore?" She asked raising her voice. I hated this subject.

"Mum... Why are you always saying things like that? Don't you want me to be happy?" I asked, beginning to raise my voice too.

"I want you to be happy but you can't! Not like that! In less than a year you will be in a hospital room, unable to move. How can you be happy in a place like this? How? I really don't understand you!" She replied, trembling with emotions. She was afraid of losing her only son and I could understand that but she had no rights to yell at me like that.

"I AM fine! I may have headaches sometimes, I may have a nosebleed when I'm really scared or when I have strong emotions but I AM fucking fine ok?" I yelled glaring at her. Luckily my father wasn't there; he hated it when we yelled at each other.

"You. Have. Brain. Tumor." She said as slowly as possible.

"I'm leaving." I said, leaving my room and going down the stairs as fast as possible, ignoring my mother who was screaming my name, desperation in her voice.

I left the house without taking my coat and began to walk. I wanted to forget everything. At this precise moment, I hated my mother, I hated my life. I stopped in a park, I didn't know where I was but I didn't care, I just wanted to be alone. I sat on the ground near a big tree with my legs against my chest, wiping my nose as I was having another nosebleed. Fucking emotions, I hated this!

"What did I do to deserve this? Why can't I have a normal life? Every fucking time I'm truly happy someone has to come and destroy everything. I don't know what to do anymore... I just... I just want to have fun with my friends, I want to have a boyfriend, and I want to visit beautiful countries... I want to have fun with my parents without thinking about the future... I don't have time for that... It's not worth it... Why can't they understand?" I whispered to myself, crying and sobbing. The pain in my chest was unbearable.

A few hours after, when I stopped crying and felt a little better, I sent a message to Arthur, telling him where I was. Well, I didn't know exactly where I was so I described everything to him, hoping he could help me. He texted me a few seconds later telling me he was coming to get me. I sighed in relief and waited. I was glad he could come; I didn't have enough energy to face Amelia right now. My back and my ass were sore from the uncomfortable position I was sitting in. Luckily for me, Arthur was here soon enough. He got out of his car and came near me. I didn't even know he had a car!

I stared at him a few moments shocked with my mouth a little open. He raised an eyebrow when he saw I was staring at him. "Sorry..." I said with a blush on my cheeks. "I didn't know you had a car..."

Arthur smiled at me and took out a paper of his back pocket before sitting next to me. "Thank you, I guess. Why are you there? You look sad and your eyes are red. Do you want to talk about it?' He wrote quickly before giving me the paper.

"No thanks. I... I just had a little argument with my mother... She can't understand me, and it upsets me..." I wrote back with a frown.

Arthur gave me a small smile before hugging me tightly. It felt amazing. He pulled apart a few minutes later but left one of his hands on my cheek while he was looking at me right in the eyes. The way he was looking at me with a shy smile made me blush. I was as red as a tomato, I could feel it. He took a big breath before closing the space between our lips. I closed my eyes and put one of my hands in his beautiful blond hair while my other hand was on his back. Arthur's hands moved to my neck and pulled me closer to him while we were still kissing. His scent was amazing.

Arthur pulled apart and I opened my eyes slowly, trying to catch my breath. I was panting heavily. My first kiss. "Wow... I..." I mumbled, trying to make a coherent sentence. Arthur was staring at me, watching my every movement, surely waiting for my reaction.

I smiled at him before giving him a small peck on his lips which made his skin turn a slight pink color. He was adorable. He took his paper and wrote something quickly. "So, what are we now? Do you want us to be something or not..?" He handed me the paper, insecurity in his eyes. I looked at it and smiled. He wanted us to be something? And I thought it was a shitty day. Boy was I wrong.

"I would love to... We're together now. Right?" I scribbled with a small smile on my lips, already knowing the answer. He nodded and gave me a big bright smile which made him even more gorgeous. He took my hand and led me to his car.

"Where do you live?" He wrote and handed me a paper waiting for my answer to start the car.

"Near the school, you can't miss it. It's the only blue house." I wrote with a small laugh. Every house was white or cream but our house was the only blue one... I still didn't know if I liked it or not.

He drove me back home and kissed me one last time. I got out of the car and waved at him with a smile until I couldn't see him anymore. I opened the door and entered the house, trying to be as quiet as possible and went into my bedroom.

Finally, today wasn't so bad...

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