chapter 18: Forever and Always

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I hope you're going to enjoy this chapter! And a big thank you to everybody reading the story x 


The days went on way faster than I wished for. My conditions were beginning to get worse; my nose was bleeding more and more often, even if nothing special was happening and my headaches made me want to hit my head against the wall to make the pain stop. I could feel the end coming, slowly but still faster than I would have wanted. I wish I could just freeze the time because, even if I didn't want to admit it, I was terrorized of dying. I was trying really hard not to show it to my family and friends because I knew they already suffered a lot about it but it wasn't easy.

At the moment, I was in my room, with my perfect boyfriend. My head was on his lap and we were watching a movie while he was playing with my still short hair. To be honest, I wasn't really watching the movie, I was concentrating on my boyfriend's hands and was trying to enjoy these moments as much as possible. As time went on, my eyes were getting heavier and heavier and I found it harder and harder to breathe... As if someone was sitting on my chest or trying to suffocate me.

"Michael... Michael?! God, no... Wait, wait, wait..." He said sounding completely panicked. But maybe it was only my imagination, who knows... I closed my eyes; suddenly feeling really tired and instantly fell into a deep sleep without any dreams or nightmares.

When I woke up, my head was hurting again more than before. I never thought it would be possible. I groaned and tried to move my arms but failed completely. My arms were so heavy, I could hardly move them. That's when I realized that I wasn't in my room anymore... No, the walls were too bright, too white and there was a constant noise next to me. It was highly annoying. I was back to the hospital... Again. And this time I highly doubt they will let me leave this place... That's not how I pictured my last moments on Earth; not at all. And I was still supposed to have about two weeks before the end!

I coughed, feeling more exhausted than I've been in my entire life. I heard some chairs move around me which probably mean my family realized I was finally awake. How much time has passed by the way? How much time do I still have? My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a warm hand holding my extremely cold one. Without seeing the person, I knew who it was. It could only be him. Arthur. It took many efforts to move my head to the right to see that I was indeed right. It was my perfect boyfriend. His eyes were red and I could see he was exhausted. I wish I could make him feel better, he deserved so much more than that...

"How long was I out?" I finally managed to whisper, my throat hurting at every words.

My mother put one of her hands on my cheek, stroking it slightly. "Six days... You've been in this bed for six days... We almost thought you would never wake up..." She said, and from the sound of her voice I could tell that she was crying. "My baby... My little baby... I love you so much..." She whispered as my father took her in his arms, trying to calm her down even though he was crying as well.

That's it.... The end is almost here... I looked around me, all the people I loved the most were there. First of all, there were my parents. I loved them more than anything. They were always there for me, they always supported me even if they didn't really like my choices and I would be forever thankful for that. Then, there was Amelia, my very first friend. She was totally crazy and outgoing but she had a big heart and was one of the sweetest people I knew. My boyfriend was also there and my heart was beating faster only at the sight of him. He was handsome, intelligent, sweet, caring... He was just perfect; and I would never understand how he fell in love with me. He could find so much better but I was glad he loved me. Finally, there was Eddy. Even if I met him not too long ago, I already loved him. He was like the brother I've always wanted. He was crazy, funny and kind. Eddy, Amelia and Arthur would stay friend for a long time that was for sure... Well, I hoped so.

Even if it wasn't the ending I imagined, the most important things were there... I was with the people I loved and that was all that mattered. My thoughts were once again interrupted when Arthur let my hand go and whispered something into Amelia's ear. She only nodded and he left the room without looking at me. I frowned, curious to know why he left but also a bit sad. I wanted to spend every moment with him too. Why did he left? Didn't he want to stay there until the end? What if he realized he didn't love me anymore?

"Hey, don't cry!! He will come back, he just had to came back home to take a shower; he will be back sooner than expected." Amelia exclaimed, trying to cheer me up while hugging me the best she could but it wasn't easy. I didn't even realize I was crying!

Knowing that Arthur still loved me and only left to take a shower made me feel a bit better even if I still wanted him to be there right now. We spoke a little, well, my parents mostly spoke. They told us stories when I was still a little boy and some of them were pretty embarrassing but who cares anyway; it was a great moment.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, the door opened and Arthur appeared. Finally, it was about time! I smiled at him and he smiled back, a hand in his pocket. He walked toward me and gave me a small and short kiss but it was full of love. I could only smile wider to that. He sat on a chair next to my bed and took one of my hands with his free one. 

He took a deep breath before speaking. "Michael, I know we're both really young but you're seriously the best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks to you I have now friends and an amazing boyfriend; I never thought it would happen. I-I wish things were different; I wish I could give you my life so you would live. Because I would do anything for you... And I mean it. So..." He trailed off, biting his lips softly. I could tell it wasn't easy for him; everybody knew how hard it was for him to speak, especially in front of other people. But he did it and I was just so proud of him. He took his hand out of the pocket and I swear I almost had a heart attack. God! A ring!! It's a ring!! Oh my god!! "Do you want to marry me and make me the happiest man on Earth?" He said with his baby voice that I loved more than anything.

I nodded, totally unable to speak as I began to cry. I never expected something like this!! Next to me, my parents were crying, but at this moment it was mostly tears of happiness. Eddy was also crying but was recording the whole scene with a small camera. Amelia had tears in her eyes. She knew... That's what he told her before leaving the room... She knew since he left...

Best moment of my life. I forgot everything even that I was in a hospital bed, almost dead. This moment was perfect. Suddenly, it was like my problems didn't matter anymore. Even my head which was hurting all the time wasn't hurting me at all... I was free. No more pain. I smiled at my parents, Amelia, Eddy and Arthur. "Forever and Always..." I murmured, looking at Arthur right in the eyes with a small smile on my lips.

"Forever and Always..." He murmured back, tears rolling down his cheeks as he kissed me one last time.

That's it... The world around me began to fade; I couldn't see anything. Then, my hearing disappeared; the only thing I could feel was the feeling of Arthur's lips on mine... And then, this feeling disappeared too. My heart stopped beating leaving me with a smile on my lips as the death took me away....


The end of this chapter was actually hard to write... It's not easy to let a character go after spending so many time writing about his life... It's almost like a real person was dying... 


Thanks for reading this story so far; don't hesitate to tell me what you think about this chapter. x

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