Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


Louis POV

I slowly open the door to our bedroom and find Harry sniffing. He's cried for hours last night and he still is now. The reality of losing Gloria hit him like a brick. He's broken.

I just went downstairs to get him some water. I place the glass on the nightstand and crawl next to him on the bed. He's curled up, his knees to his chest. I'm trying my best to comfort him, I've done almost all that comes to mind, but he can't stop crying. I wish I could cry too, though. I'm holding it in and I know it's not good, but I need to be strong for Harry. If we both break out in tears, who's going to make us stop? I feel like I need to keep it together and be there for my boyfriend.

I wrap my arms around Harry and hold him as tight as I can. I whisper sweet nothings into his ear while stroking his arm and caressing my other hand through his curly locks. We stay in this position for quite a while. Soft sobs leave his beautiful lips.

"Harry" I whisper after some time. "I got you a glass of water, love"

I sit up a little straighter and carefully place my hand on the back of his lowered head. I stroke his hair softly, which surprisingly makes him look up at me for the first time in the past twenty-four hours. Even though I'm relieved he allows me to look at him, the sight isn't pleasant. Two bloodshot, swollen eyes appear from under his curls.

"Babe..." I say in a sad and quiet voice. It breaks my heart to see him like this.

Harry sits up as well and I hand him the glass of water. He begins to sip on the liquid, but keeps staring at the wall opposites him.

"Harry, I hate to see you like this" I say honestly. I know this doesn't help him in any way, but I need to get it off my chest. "Please tell me what I can do"

Harry turns to me slowly after he puts away the water. He locks his eyes on mine.

"I-I'm..- I'm just so scared to lose her, Lou" he breaths and once the last word leaves his lips, he's a sobbing mess again.

He wraps his arms around my waist and leans his head to my chest. I feel my shirt getting wet from his tears, but I couldn't care less. I gently run my hand over his back.

"I know, Hazz. We all are" I know it's not very helping -again- but I don't know what else to say.

"She's the mom I've never had. I can't lose my mom again"

The words hit me like a brick. How he said he can't lose his mom 'again' makes my heart ache. He's lost the woman he looked up to and grew to love once before. A long time ago, but it's still a very big wound that hasn't yet healed like at all. He can not lose Gloria and go through such a heartbreaking time again. Of course Gloria can't really help it and it's happening due something different, but I know this will hurt him even more. I don't think Harry lost his mom, though. His mom lost her son. The things she did to him and allowed Jack to do to him are sickening and I can't even put it to words. When Harry and I first met, Anne was his hero. He believe in her. He thought she was amazing and strong. I hate to say this, but Harry was so miserably wrong about her. She's weak and a coward and anything but a hero. Though, that did not make it any easier on Harry to lose his mother's care and love for him.

Harry doesn't deserve all of this.

Tears have formed in my eyes and I can't help but let them fall. I hope Harry doesn't notice.

I don't want to lose Gloria either. I'm not done thanking her for all she did for us. I love her and I want her to stay in our lives forever. I can't let her slip away from us. It's so unfair for this to happen to Gloria as well as it is for Harry. It makes me sick and that's why I can't help but cry right now. Everything is just so unfair.

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