Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-five


Harry's POV

"Ello! This is Nialler speaking," Niall's Irish voice sounds through the phone.

"Hi Niall, this is Harry" I begin and I can literally hear his smile grow bigger.

"Harooold, how are ya?" Niall asks.

"Not too bad, thank you," I say before I pause. "Actually," I smile. "I'm feeling incredible. That's the reason I'm calling you,"

I look over at Louis. He's on the couch, feet resting on the saloon table. His arms are on the back of the couch, smiling at me with his eyes full of fond.

"What's going on?" Niall asks curiously.

"That's a surprise" I chuckle, blowing a kiss to Louis.

Niall groans.

"I want you to come over. Could you bring some pizza with you as well? We had a little accident with our dinner," 

Louis frowns at my words and then looks at me in fake anger. I stick my tongue out.

"Yeah, sure!" He cheers. "I'll get some pizza from work. I'll be there in twenty,"

"Great!" I answer. "Oh and could you call Liam and ask if he likes to come over as well? Lou and I have got some big news"

"Urg! You're making me so curious, Styles!" Niall almost yells. "But eh... Liam's already here," Niall swallows, laughing nervously. "I'll drag him along,"

"Liam is with you?" I ask in surprise, my brows rising. "Oeh, what's going on with you two? Do you need to tell me something, huh?"

Niall laughs again, but he doesn't say a thing. I shake my head in amusement and change the subject.

"So we'll see you in a bit? I called Zayn as well. He's on his way,"

"Yep," Niall says and ends the phone call the minute I hear Liam's voice in the background.


I turn back to Louis and practically jump on top of him. I kiss him all over his face causing Louis to giggle and try to push me off.


"There's a pizza pepperoni, a double cheese and a pineapple" Niall yells for all of us to hear as he throws the pizza boxes on the saloon table.

When the lads are here, we always eat on the couch. Mostly we watch a bad tv show as well or just talk and joke around.

All the boys, except for me, sit down and Niall opens the boxes one by one, revealing delicious pizza's.

I stand in the doorway from the kitchen to the living room. I went to get us a knife to slice the pizza, but instead of walking back to them, I lean myself against the wall and watch the lads with a smirk.

Niall throws himself next to Louis on the couch. Both of them stare down at the pizza's. The look in their eyes is quite intense. They're ready to dig in.

Zayn's next to them playing with Noah on the floor. Several giggles leave both their mouths.

Liam gets up from his previous spot and walks over to the window, looking at the backyard.

It's nice to just stand here and watch. Zayn and Noah look absolutely adorable, Louis and Niall are practically drooling and Liam is... Well, he's just being Liam.

Escaping - Larry Stylinson (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now