Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six


Liam's POV

"Mom!" Harry cheers, almost like a two-year-old. Once they're done hugging, Harry pulls her inside.

Louis has got his hands behind his back, trying his best to put on a smile as he awaits for Anne to greet him.

"Hello, Louis," she says, returning his smile. She hugs him a second later, causing Louis to giggle a little.

Not much later, Anne turns around and faces me. I'm next to Zayn and Niall who's still on the couch. He's still half asleep and mumbling about his headache.

"And who are you?" Anne asks.

"Well, mom," Harry begins, moving to stand next to her. "These lads are the best friends we've ever had. They literally saved Louis and I and we wouldn't be anywhere without them,"

Anne smiles and squeezes Harry's arm. She looks as if she wants to cry.

"Niall," I whisper. "Niall, wake up,"

Anne's walking over to us. Niall needs to wake so he can meet her. I don't want to have Niall ruin this for Harry. It's important to him.

"For fucks sake," I mumble and try to pull Niall up by his arm. He needs to wake up so he can meet Anne.

"What's happenin'? he asks in confusion, one of his eyes still closed. He lets himself fall back on the couch again. But just before his bum touches the couch again, I pull him back up.

----"Harry's mom is here. You have to introduce yourself. In a normal way I mean. Not hungover like you are now. So please try your best" I begged him. I would be so embarrassed if Anne met a hungover Niall. Well, actually it would be hilarious, but Niall would forever be ashamed to face his best friend's mom.

"Yeah yeah, course Lium" Niall huffed as he needed to put all of his weight on me to keep standing up straight. Oh dear god...

Anne reached over to Zayn who stood next to me. "Hi" he said nervously. Both of them hesitated for a moment whether they should hug or just shake hands. Eventually Anne just pulled him in her arms like she did with Harry and Louis. Once they separated, Anne asked Zayn for his name. "I'm Zayn" he smiled. "I- euhm.. Gloria is- was my aunt... The woman Harry and Louis stayed with y'know?"

Zayn was clearly struggling with telling her this, but Anne smiled deeply into his eyes before she nod and hugged him again. "I've heard from Hazz and Louis. I'm so sorry. Your aunt was a beautiful woman" Zayn smiled softly as little tears formed in his eyes. His head rested on Anne's shoulder, while she stroked Zayn's back lightly.

After her moment with Zayn, she turned towards me. "And who is this muscled man?" she asked and I could practically feel Harry rolling his eyes at his mom's comment. Even Niall chuckled besides me.

"I'm Liam. I'm a police officer" I mentally slapped myself for saying that. I can't even imagine how stupid that must have sound to her.

"That's wonderful, Liam! Nice to meet you" she said as she smiled brightly at me.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs...?" I hesitated before I said her last name. I didn't even know if her last name was 'Styles'.

"Cox. Mrs Cox, but please, call me Anne" she said, helping me out of the awkward situation. I laughed a little before we also hugged. Niall was making it a bit of a struggle to hug her back properly.

"Alright then" I mumbled as we separated. Now it was Niall's turn. By the look on Anne's face I knew she was mentally preparing herself for what kind of person she was about to meet.

Escaping - Larry Stylinson (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now