Chapter Fourteen: Two Gates

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     I miss my guild.

     We have been traveling for about two days now, I felt weaker without my guild mark and I felt less confident with Zaura around me, but strangely not at the same time. Galuna Island was vacant so far since we were avoiding the native demon people, it was like they rarely hunted or did anything of the sorts at all. It made me wonder how they even get their food when they don't hunt or gather.

    "We're nearing the temple," Zaura said, skimming through the map she had with her one final time before scrolling it up and tucking it under her arm. She looked up at me. "Are you sure this will work?"

    "I have the books and the tools for it, I don't see why it wouldn't," I said, E.N.D. speaking through me. "The only problem is that the ritual would be pretty obvious. I'm not sure whether the people here are nocturnal or not, but if they are then we're bound to have to meet some trouble."

    She nodded numbly. We walked in silence for a bit before she spoke again. "You don't sound like your usual self, Natsu-kun. Are you alright?" She asked.

    "I dunno about that," I said. "It was like I felt... different when I removed my guild mark."

    "Different how?"

    "It's hard to explain."

    "You said that there were some Tartarus demons here still, right?"


    "Hopefully they could explain a few things about guild marks once we meet them."

    "IF they're willing to talk. I've known 'em for centuries and I know that they aren't exactly the most forgiving devils out there. They might attack us so I recommend you getting into your combat form now."

     There was a small flash of white light and suddenly Zaura wasn't standing up to my ankles anymore. I forgot how tall she was in her combat form, she was almost as tall as Laxus, making her somewhat intimidating. I thought on my darkness and rage and dwelled in it, feeding the hell fire wood to burn, and I barely noticed anything as I shifted into my etherious form. My wings dragged behind me and the backpack I had previously been wearing comfortably on my back now rested awkwardly on my shoulders. A sharp scent snatched at my nose and I froze, Zaura stopping moments later.

    "They're here."

     The shadows moved and warped around us, and from the darkness, four silhouettes formed. One was a stocky young man with pointed ears, a robe, and a long wolf-like tail; One was a small rounded cyclops with three horns on his head, four thick, noodle arms, and one eye that seemed to glow a yellow light from within; The other was a tall and heavily muscular etherious with shark-like characteristics and even some details of that of a lizard-man; the final one was a woman who wore a long dress, had two horns that pointed upwards on her head, and long wavy hair.

    "Jackal, Franmalth, Torafuzar, Seilah. Nice to see you all again."



     Master went off to a conference with the other guild masters today and everyone was anxious, Levy said that our best option for survival would be to ask the other guilds to align with us one more time. The children began getting curious and so we have to keep everything quiet until we were sure that they would be able to accept and realize the reason for the war six years ago... and what Natsu really is. All of us were sure that us revealing anything won't happen in a long time. Taiyo and Nashi were asleep now, leaving only me and Happy awake, I was reading my newest Harry Potter book while Happy ate his fish silently on the counter top. The room felt too quiet and too cold, I knew just who would be able to fill the void in our room... and hearts, but I'd rather not say his name now. He left two days ago and I was extremely sensitive about that topic.

    "Say, Lushee?" Happy said, I placed a book mark down in my book and closed it, looking to Happy as he slowly chewed on the fish's head.

    "Yes, Happy?" I asked.

    "When do you think Natsu would be coming home?" OOF! Ow, my heart, it hurts...!

    I groaned and looked away with a scoff. "He isn't, cat, and he'd better not or else I'd kill him-- again!" I growled.

    "But why?"

    "HE ABANDONED US AND... and..." I trailed off, my chest aching from the hurt.

    "Lushee?" Happy asked, concerned. I took a shuddering breath.

    "And... I dunno... I just miss him..." I said, my voice so quiet that I barely heard it. All those adventures we've had together and all those battles we've fought hung in my mind live leaves from a vine. I especially remember first meeting Natsu, how he saved me from Bora, and how he dragged me (literally) to my dream guild. Of all the people to leave, I was surprised that it was him.

    "We'll get him back somehow," Happy said bravely. "And once we do we can find a way to defeat Acnologia, and maybe Zeref, while keeping all of us alive!" I nodded numbly at his words, my shaky hands clasped together over my book.

     A blue light suddenly flashed from within my desk drawer, a flash that I easily recognized as my communication lacrima. I moved over to my desk and pulled open my drawer, moving past papers and pictures of our family quickly before my hands found the lacrima. It was vibrating in my hand but I found myself looking at one of the pictures on my desk. Natsu was cradling a baby Nashi in his left arm while he ruffled Taiyo's hair with the other, I was caught mid laugh and Happy was hovering over my head, two fingers stuck up behind my head to serve as bunny ears. I hadn't realized until now that I was crying while looking at Natsu in the picture. His appearance had changed over the six years, he used to look just like he did when I first met him, but now he had faint black fire tattoos over his body, his hazel eyes had more of a reddish tint to them, and there were a few black streaks in his hair that barely looked visible against the salmon pink. I tore my eyes away from the picture and tapped the lacrima, a voice memo appearing seconds later.

    "Attention all Fairy Tail mages," Makarov's voice said clearly. "The guilds have agreed to help us with our search for Natsu, but on one condition; We are to participate in the grand magic games. Two teams will be organized by myself and by Guildarts, I will organize the GMG team members while he gathers forced for the scout for Natsu. Expect later calls if you are drafted for the missions."

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