Chapter Fifty: Green Eyes

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[A/N]: *Four Chapters Left Until The Conclusion of FT: Black Blood*

Please enjoy! This chapter is dedicated to BeezyBop10 ! Please Enjoy!



    "Levy-chan! Levy-chan, wake up!"

     I startled awake with a shriek as Lucy shook me roughly to my senses. I fought to recollect my breath as Lucy exhaled in relief. "You're finally awake! Listen to me, Acnologia came here and he brought an army with him! We need to get up and we need to fight right now! Erza is unconscious!" Lucy shouted and I blinked repeatedly in surprise. Erza of all people was unconscious? Acnologia is here with an army? In the middle of the night? My brain was barely processing what she said but I think I understood enough. I stretched out my body and Lucy helped me to my feet, when I looked around I noticed that everyone else here was already up and at 'em, preparing themselves for the inevitable fight.

    "Is Gajeel here too?" I asked without thinking.

    "Probably," She answered with a sigh. "I don't know. Natsu saw them and he told me to wake everyone up while he went to go get Zeref and- oh my GOD, I can't believe I let him do that! He's going to get himself killed if he gets involved! I swear to God if he dies then I'll kill him all over again"

    "Lu-chan! You need to calm down! He'll be alright!"

    "No you don't understand, Natsu and his idiotic self would probably want to get rid of not only Acnologia, but Zeref, too! And if Zeref dies then-"

    "THEY'RE COMING!" Someone shouted and I could already see the trees shaking in the distance, coming closer and closer by the passing minute. I took Lucy's hands and met her worried brown eyes with my hazel ones. All it took was a single nod and we understood what we had to do.

     I looked around and found Malala talking to August in a hushed voice, he pushed something into her hand before his body began turning to a dark red in color with his whitening hair standing on end, golden tattoos traveled up his body and he abandoned his cloak and staff, making the once hunched over old man appear strong and ready to set the world on fire. Malala clutched whatever it was near to her chest and began walking our way. When she came close enough I noticed that there were tears in her eyes and that there was a familiar origami serpent in her hands. An old myth came to mind and the identity of the creature clicked in my mind.

    "T-tumashu!" I gasped.

    "Tuma- what?" Lucy said.

    "Tumashu is the ace of Hades," Malala explained. "the technical creator of paper magic and the demon that guards the underworld. This creature is our key to winning this part of the war, and I'm going to attempt a unison raid with it."

    "Are you crazy!?" I demanded. "Do you have any idea of what could happen to mortals like us if we try to tamper with demon power?! We could go insane if we don't die a painful death first!"

    "I am well aware! But what choice do we have? If all of Zeref's followers were all powerful and murderous mages, then just imagine the raw strength of Acnologia's forces! This could be our last chance to cleanse the world of their evil for good!"

    "Malala-" I started but she shook her head.

    "Don't bother trying to change my mind, Levy," She said before enveloping me in a hug. "You were my first true friend, thank you." Tears glistened in the corner of my eyes and I held her close. She pulled away and stepped out until she was in front of us all. The armies were almost in view now, and it looked as if the land was getting swallowed whole by a wave of black water. It would be too much for just us, no matter our power, twenty or so of us could never dream to take on over a hundred or more soldiers.

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