Chapter Thirty-One: To Defeat A Monster

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     [A/N]: Just came back from a Bon Jovi concert and it was awesome! I bought two shirts and I got to hang up the Bon Jovi bag in my room to act like a poster! Such a shame I saw no other 14-year-olds there, though. Why doesn't anyone know of their awesomeness?! Oh well, I hope you enjoy the chapter my fellow readers! Love you all!



     It was the second day of the Grand Magic Games now and everyone was itching with anticipation. The competition was especially stiff this year, and out of the ten matches between the guilds yesterday Blue Pegasus had won every last match of theirs, resulting in their team earning thirty-one points in total for their team. Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were tied with twenty-five points with the other teams falling not too far behind. The team with the lowest points, of course, was Quarto Cerberus.

     I sat with Nashi on the bleachers as Levy fought with Hibiki of Blue Pegasus in an intense match of intelligence, they were to be playing a holographic game of cards, kind of like how Cana described her experience while fighting eclipse-Scorpio. So far Levy was leaving Hibiki in the dust with fifty points and he at twenty, there was only thirty seconds left of the match and I found my eyes wandering over to the Blue Pegasus guild. As her companions were cheering on for Hibiki, Malala was watching intently while folding together what looked like a yellow origami dragon. While doing this her actions seemed to be almost absent minded, since all her focus was trained on the "fight". Master Bob moved over to her and caught her attention with a hand on her shoulder. He gestured for her to follow him and she did so obediently, they left into the building just as the match ended, giving Fairy Tail three points.

    "We're in second place and we're only three points away from Blue Pegasus! We're getting close!" I grinned, Gray, who has finally left the infirmary thanks to Wendy's magic, nodded in agreement. He was still sore but he no longer needed bandages.

    "Yeah, but just how close?" He asked blandly.

    "Closer than before!"

     Gray looked skeptical, he opened his mouth to retort something but he bit his tongue and looked away. I looked from him and down to Levy as she rushed up the steps on the bleachers, high-fiving anyone who held out their hands as she made her way to us. I embraced her the moment she got up and I began squealing in glee!

    "Awesome job, Levy-chan!" I cheered. "You've got us closer than ever to beating them!"

    "It was nothing, really, Lu-chan!" Levy said, she backed away and waved her hands dismissively. Even after all this time, levy STILL wasn't used to all the attention?

    "Nonsense, Levy," Erza said. She had arrived not too long ago with a pair of crutches in hand, even with all of Wendy's healing Erza still wasn't able to recover completely from her match with Malala yesterday. From the poison in her system and the lightning strikes, Erza was as close as she could get to having to sit out. She would experience seizures every now and then from the lightning frying her nerves and she gets sick quicker due to the poisons in her body. "You've gotten us closer to saving Gajeel!" Levy's smile became a whole lot brighter after that comment.

    "Are you sure you're ready to move around yet, Erza-san?" Juvia asked, Erza gave a curt nod.

    "I am fine, Juvia. Really I am." The announcers introduced the next match of the day to the audience: the contestants in guilds Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth were to choose two participants to fight in a double duel. Blue Pegasus sent out Ichiya and Malala while Sabertooth released Rufus and Orga. "However, I wish I could say the same for them..." I noticed something strange coming off Erza, her teeth were clattering and she rubbed her bandaged arms uneasily, it was as if...

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