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— Jeez I told you it's just a scratch, you're hurting me! — Ruby whined.
You finished cleaning her wound and bandaged it.
— Tell me, where did you meet that freak?
— I was playing in my yard when he come, that was one week ago. Damn him! I thought we were friends, before he tried to kill me. I'm so stupid, I should've known that nobody would ever want to be my friend.
— Don't say that, you're not alone. — You felt bad for the child.
— Oh, don't tell me you're my friend, you only saved me, because you were afraid of jail. I had enough today, I'm going to sleep.
— Hey! you do not have to be female Alois Trancy!
— Who's that?
— Never mind. Come on, we're going to sleep in same bed. I have only one bed, besides I do not want him to find us and kidnap you, while I'm sleeping. Also... When you'll sleep, I'll stay awake and when I'll sleep, you will not sleep, we should wake up each other if he will come, get it?
— I understood.


I finally found them and secretly started watching. I have never seen such a teamwork after Isaac and me stopped playing. Fine, Y/N, let's see what can you do against me in your dreams, nightmares will break your mind and slowly drain your strength, you won't be able to save my victim anymore. I can't wait when it will be your turn to sleep.

Your POV

„Finally, it's my turn to sleep" you thought when Ruby awoke. You snuggled your pillow and closed your eyes.
You were at the abandoned carnival, you could heard creepy version of Pop Goes the Weasel playing far away. Once bright colors were seemingly faded away, stuffed animals were hanged as if they committed suicide. Then you saw little boy. No, grotesque tiny zombie, his intestines touching ground and wagging like a happy dog's tail. He started walking towards you and you turned to run, but you were surrounded by zombie children.
„I'm screwed" you thought, just then you heard his voice.
— You aren't so cool when you're sleeping, are you? Hahahaha
„It's just a dream? Stupid Jack, you should not have done say that. I'd think it was reality and I'd stay helpless."
— Hahaha, — You let out crazier and creepier laugh (at least that's what you tried) — I was just pretending that I was scared, silly. I was joking.
You imagined the wings growing on your back and fly away far from the zombie children, landing on top of the ferris wheel. LJ appeared in front of you.
— How?! How did you do this?! Nobody ever have done this in my nightmares!
— Well, it was easy for me, you son of a Freddy Krueger! I might not be able to control people's dreams like you, but I definitely can control my own dream. I often felt bored and thought, that it would be nice to control my dreams and do whatever I want in sleep, so I was practicing for years and kinda obtained small ability to control dreams, so, basically your chance of beating me in reality is bigger than chance of beating me in dreams, — You laughed confidently.
— YOU'RE NOT BEATING ME ANYWHERE, ANYMORE! — He threw tantrum like a child, gritted his sharp teeth and lunged at you, stabbing your stomach with claws.
You coughed blood and imagined having claws, before stabbing his stomach. He hadn't blood but he cracked like a broken toy, both of you fell down on the floor, facing each other, both too weakened to continue fight, even though it was just a nightmare and neither of you really felt pain.
You slowly raised left arm (right hand was still in his stomach) and wrapped around his neck, hugging him. His eyes widened in surprise, but he hadn't tried to move.
— Why are you doing this? Hugging me... Only children want to be my friends. Adults are usually terrified or angry.
— Don't get me wrong, I do not want to be your friend, I will never let you gain my trust and hurt me mentally and physically. — Actually you were already kinda hurt mentally, because you have always felt sorry for LJ, he was your favorite CP and now here he was, most likely planning to torture and kill you and Ruby. — Besides, even if you will not hurt me, I can't be sure that I will not hurt you. I'm not really very social person, I prefer to stay in my shell, avoid everyone as much as I can, never trust and don't get too close.
— Good choice! Last time I had trusted someone, my only friend, my best friend left me to rot alone for years.
— I'd tell you not to lose trust in human race just for what that person did, but I do not really like lies. Most of the people, if not all, are egoistic. But well, you're not only a victim, but also criminal too. Bad times stay in past, now you look like you're enjoying life, having fun. Yet you look so sad, alone and broken... I know how it feels to not to trust anyone and be alone in the world. It's like you're taking your anger out on your victims, want them to suffer way you did, maybe more. You're made for fun, not for the suffer and since you can't trust someone anymore, you found your own way of fun... I kinda understand you. You had rough past. Maybe I'd act like you too, I'm not sure.
— Hahahaha! You're funny. I do not need your pity, you need mine. You're the victim, not me.
— No, Jack. We're all victims of life. (he was not surprised that you knew his name, he thought Ruby told you that, just like you weren't surprised to hear your name earlier, thinking that he was spying on Ruby and you, which was right)
— Shut up! I do not want to feel like a victim! — He shrieked, moving his hand further into your stomach, grasping your intestines.
— I think I'm waking up. Bye, Jack.
— See ya soon! — He waved his free hand with excitement.  

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