New Life

876 38 11

  Tiny A/N
OK I'm continuing this sh*t because if there still is a single living being on this planet, who wants story to be continued, I'll continue writing. Maybe I'll stop it again if I'll think that I'm putting efforts in it for nothing and I should rest instead of doing it, so don't act like an object and express your opinions about this story, comment, vote or save story if you like it so I can know I didn't do it for nothing, if you hate it feel free to tell me why, yeah.
— Why yes, I like playing with you.
— What the hell is your problem, dude?! I'm not even a child nor a parent, I should not have been targeted be you!
— Don't tell me what to do! Why are you complaining? Now we can be BFF! — He said with crazy laugh.
— Now am I one of your zombies or something? Or like a toy that come to life?
— No, I asked Mr. pretty face aka Slendie to resurrect you, Zombies aren't that fun, you know, they feel nothing but hunger. I wanted you to have feelings, you died without my help and we hadn't had much fun. Toys can't stay alive too long and you can't really call them living, their sole purpose is to follow my orders, like marionettes. Wait how do you know so much about me? — LJ asked, tilting his head like a curious puppy.
— I have my ways! — You smirked.
— Now about your costume: I'll bring it tomorrow.
— I hope it will not be [least favorite color].
— It will be similar to my outfit, so it will be obvious that you belong to me.
— Nope, I'm not wearing I'm–a–hybrid–of–colibri–and–zebra–outfit!
— Did you just criticized my outfit? Too bad! — Jack said, before ripping your skin with his talons.
You tried to fight back but he was much stronger.
—What the hell?! When I was a mere human, I easily won the fight against you, now I'm a creepypasta like you and I can't even protect myself!
— Hahaha!!! You won? Very funny! You just took me by surprise, silly. Now that you're like me, I'm more careful and also, stronger than you, so you don't have a chance to defend yourself. Enjoy eternal suffer. Haha! No matter what I'll do to you, you'll be healed in few minutes. Nice, right? I can torture you without end. I'm so happy! You're my favorite playmate, good that we can play forever.
— Awww man, that sucks. I thought I was bad ass. Q_Q
— Why did you think that you were donkey? — He asked, confused, then continued tearing your skin apart.
— No, no, no! Get off me! Leave me alone! — You hissed, struggling.
Jack gave you almost sad Y U NO WANNA PWAY face, without stopping what he was doing. Torture finally ended after few minutes and he sat down next to you as if nothing happened.
— We'll start training tomorrow, don't forget that you're my assistant too. Now, follow me, let's meet others, if you can walk of course. Haha! If you can't, I'll pick you up or teleport you. Maybe you want piggy back ride?
— Don't touch me!
— Why I thought you liked cuddling with me.
— ...
— Alright, since you have nothing to say, let's go.
— My clothing is bloody.
— It's fine, kiddo. None of them will faint at the sight of blood. Ahaha! — LJ grabbed your hand and dragged you along, — HEEY COME ONE COME ALL MEET OUR NEW FAMILY MEMBER, MY PROXY–VICTIM–BESTIE–TOY–APPRENTICE–THINGY!!! THIS IS Y/N, YOU CAN CALL HER KNIFE THROWER
— My ears, — You groaned and looked at group in front of you.
— Hi, I'm Jeff. Don't throw my knife or I'll make you go to sleep.
— If I'll throw it, how will you make me go to sleep? Sing me a lullaby?
— HAHAHA that's my friend! — Jack laughed, patting your head proudly.
— I'm BEN.
— Dude, have you ever thought about cleaning your eyes and using lenses? Your link cosplay is kinda lame.
— You shouldn't have said that! — BEN said, gritting his teeth. — You'll meet terrible fate!
— HEY! Nobody's touching my toy other than me, do you get it, midget? — LJ hissed.
— I–I was just telling her that I'm gonna beat her in video games. It's challenge!
— I don't think little boy like yourself can manage it. You'll most likely lose and start crying. I'll accept your challenge if you'll accept my swimming challenge afterwards. — You said with an evil smirk.
— LJ where did you found this mean woman? — BEN cried out.
— Hahahaha
— I'm Eyeless Jack, you can call me EJ. You better don't mess with me too.
— Oi, tryin' act all scary, eh? You look like you cried and ruined your mascara.
EJ lunged at you but LJ grabbed you and teleported to the other side of the room.
— Enough for now, I can't protect you from all of them. Are you trying to get me killed or something?! — LJ asked, pouting.
— Pfft as if it's my fault that your friends have no sense of humor.
— Well, haha, you're right.
— Hello, I'm Sally. — Little girl chirped and looked at her toy bear, — Introduce yourself, Charlie! Sorry, miss, he is shy.
— It's okay, dear, nice to meet you two! — You said, shaking hands with Sally and bear.
She dragged you to play and rest of the day you were together, until Slenderman knocked on the door. You opened the door and looked at him. He looked really angry.
— What is the matter, miss Y/N?! You've just come and people are already complaining about you, getting on everyone's nerves. I told you to not to cause trouble in the mansion. — You heard his voice again.
— I hadn't done anything, jeez! I was just joking around and they started whining, they're too sensitive for ruthless killers, are they on their period or something? — You thought and Slenderman facepalmed, nofacetentacled, headpalmed or whatever.
— Fine then, I won't punish you but you better leave mansion for a while, before they'll calm down. I told Jack to take you to his carnival and he accepted.
— So I'm gonna live in a tent before they'll calm their tits? Whoa, great...
— Try to be more polite next time.
— OK Mr. Slends.
— Don't call me that!!! — Static in your head became so loud that you felt like exploding.
— Okay, okay, sorry.
— Are you leaving? — Sally asked sadly.
— Aww no worries, I'll be back! — You imitated Terminator and she giggled.
— Well, good thing here is at least one person who is not mad at you, — Slenderman said.
You and Slendy left Sally's room and headed to LJ, so he could teleport you.
Soon you and LJ were at his carnival and he was showing you around.
Suddenly he stopped. You didn't asked why, you heard voice too. The voice of the bells.
— What's up, Jack? Who is that? — Candy Pop appeared out of nowhere.
— This is Knife Thrower... And this is Candy Pop
— You can call me Poppy. — The Jester said.
— Hi, Harley Quinn. — You greeted.
— Who's that? My name is Candy Pop.
— Sure thing, Harley.
— Jack, is she stupid or something?
— I have no idea haha, but she is funny!
— Aww why, thanks Pinocchio!
— I'll go, I have things to do, see you later! — Candy Pop disappeared again.
— Does he come here often?
— No, not really. Not as often as Jill, I even have a spare tent for her because sometimes she stays.
— Speak of the devil... — Jack muttered.
— SUP JACKY–BRO! Oh, who is this? — Laughing Jill asked as she tilted her head cutely.
— Why are you calling me bro, we don't even know how are we related, if we are, of course... you're too stupid to be my relative, — He whispered last few words.
— IDK you look like bro, — Jill shrugged, — Anyway, who's that?
— This is Y/N or Knife Thrower, my proxy.
— I thought I was your proxy, — Jill cried out.
— You both are... She's not your replacement. She is my proxy–friend–toy–victim–thing... hard to explain.
— Oh, nice, more people, more fun... wait what, victim? Can I play with her too?
— NO! You're not touching her!!!
— But we were always having fun together...
— She is my PERSONAL toy.
— Oh, okay. Hi, I'm Jill! — Jill waved hand right in front of your face, with silly expression.
— Umm... hi, — You replied, backing away slowly.
— I hope she'll stay in my tent so we can have a girls' night!
— No, she'll sleep in my tent. Good night, Jill.
You waved and followed Jack into the biggest tent.
— Umm... where will I sleep? There is only one bed.
— On the floor, of course.
— What?! Not fair. It's cold and uncomfortable. I better go and sleep with Jill.
— No, you're my toy and I want you to be close! — Jack pouted.
— Then I'll sleep on the bed.
— No. ON.THE.FLOOR.NOW! — He lied down on the bed and you lied down on the cold floor.
You curled up into a ball, trying to stay warm or GO TO SLEEP, but floor was too cold and hard. You couldn't help but started to snivel, missing your soft and warm bed.
— So, you aren't going to shut up, are you? Pathetic! Fine, come here. You can sleep with me.
You hesitantly stood up and lied next to him. He wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his feathery shoulder.  

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