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The interrogation room

— What are you? — Asked the op, hitting you again.

— I'm not exactly sure, what I am, but however I certainly can tell what you are...

Another hit.

— Why did you kill that person?

— Why not?


— Are more people... or more beings involved in this? Are you alone or with a group?

— Why thank you for your concern, I don't feel alone, with you keeping me company, — You yawned.

— Talk, bitch! Stop joking around! — He said, kicking you in the stomach.

— I was tortured by him, don't even think that your tickling can make me talk.

— So, other people are involved in this, after all.

— I wouldn't investigate further, if I were you.


— Where is my proxy?!

— If you'll keep yelling, I might get angry. I have no idea where is that troublesome woman, I told her she was not ready to hunt alone, but of course she didn't listen and ran away.

— I need to find her. Where is Smile?

— Which one?

— The dog of course, I don't think the doctor can smell her scent!

After a few hours of searching, LJ and Smile arrived to the place of murder.

— Her scent ends here. — Said Smile.

— Shit. This place is full of cops and gossiping people. I guess she was caught. We need to bring Slenderman, he can read their mind and tell us where is she now.

The interrogation room

— Aren't you a tough one? Quit tickling me. Seriously, how many times should I say that I won't talk? Why is it so hard to understand? Just give up already.

The light turned off.

— What's going on?! — Cop left the room, you could hear him from the open door, but you couldn't move, because you were restrained.

— I have no idea, lights suddenly started to flicker, worst thing is that all the data we had automatically deleted for no reason.

— Just what the hell is going on?!

— It has to do something with that weird woman...

— What is this smell?

— A smoke?!

— The building is on fire!

— What the hell happened to fire alarm?!

You couldn't hear more, because LJ appeared next to you and both of you teleport to the mansion.

— Can someone remove frikin handcuffs? — You groaned.

— I can! — Jill exclaimed, raising her chainsaw.

— Eek!!! No thanks, I think I like them.

— Come on! Even if I'll accidentally cut your skin, it will heal in no time.

— Alright, — You sighed.

Surprisingly Jill didn't cut off your hands (completely), as you were expecting, so you were free and satisfied.

— How did you guys find me?

— I gave your dress to Smile, Smile followed scent, we figured out that you were arrested and asked Slender to read cop's mind to discover your whereabouts (of course he messed up everyone's memories after that). Then me, Ben and Jeff left the mansion to rescue you. Ben cleaned all virtual data about your case, Jeff set the building on fire and I helped you to escape. I'll go back and bring Jeff now, Ben will be fine on his own. — Jack disappeared for a while and came back with Jeff.

— And how did you find Jill?

— She visited the carnival this morning.

— He really has most troublesome proxies... — Nobody couldn't really tell it, but Slenderman looked somewhat tired.

— I can't deny, I'm the worst in the mansion, — You sighed.

— Oh come on! Jeff was arrested 5 times, you are new, it's nothing to worry about, — Jack said, patting your back.

— Shut up, clown, — Jeff groaned, — It was just four times...

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