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You were awoken by the high–pitched scream.


— Jill... how many times do I have to tell you to not to enter my tent without knocking?! And I already introduced my friend to you. — Jack slowly stood up from bed.

— But I didn't knew you were dating! Hahaha! Congrats!

— What is dating? — Jack asked, confused.

— Never mind, — You said swiftly, — Jill, it's not what it looks like...

Jack disappeared.

— Where did he go? — Jill asked.

— I have no idea. Maybe he got mad because you said that we're dating.

— I don't think so, he didn't even know what it means.

„Oh, right. Great, I'm more stupid than Silly–Jilly." You thought.

Soon Jack returned with black gift box which with write bow.

— Open it! — He ordered to you.

— Ooh, gift? — You opened it and saw your costume (On the picture).


— You look beautiful in this dress, Y/N! — Jill clapped her hands.

— Thanks, Jill, — You glared at Jack for being quiet.

— What? Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to say that you look beautiful in this dress. Hahaha! I mean, you've never been ugly.

— Ooh, was that a joke? — You asked, slightly blushing.

— No. Now we must go and have some fun, I already chose prey.

— What?! I think I need training first...

— Don't worry, me and Jill will be there too.

— Fine.Three of you went to large house.

— Hello, Laughing Jack. Who are these? — Little boy asked.

Before Jack could say or do anything, you killed the child. He seemed nice and innocent child, you knew you couldn't save him, you couldn't save Ruby from Jack and this child was now targeted by two psycho clowns instead of one, so all you could do was kill him fast and save from torture.

„I bet he thought that I was bad guy here" You thought sadly.

— WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU IDIOT?! WHY DID YOU KILLED SO FAST?! YOU RUINED ALL FUN!!! YOU'RE THE LAMEST KILLER EVER! — Jack screamed, — Do you want me to torture you instead of him or something?!

— Don't be hard on her, she's new, she needs some time... she's not strong creature like us either. — Jill said, — Here, let's just find another child.

— Are you going to just stand here and watch? — Jask asked you, while doing his gruesome stuff.

— Yeah, yeah, I'm just watching and learning... children aren't my thing, I guess. Not that I'm brat loving, but I prefer not to harm anyone unless they'll mess with me or do something that will annoy me...

— Pfft, children are annoying, they aren't trustworthy and deserve to die.

— Listen dude, whatever happened to you, is not their fault, it's yours, you should've known that children are stupid lil shits and forget everything. Whatever, I'm not going to teach you what to do, I can't trust anyone either. Everyone is an egoistic piece of trash, more or less, just like us. I completely understand you, most of the people would probably do same if they had your abilities... I know you are, or at least were, good person (or whatever) at heart...

— I don't want to be good. It hurts. Now stop ruining my fun, don't talk about bad things, shut up and watch, if you don't plan to join.Finally the clowns finished their „fun". You were about to exit room when you heard scream.

— WHAT THE HELL, JILL?! — Jack yelled.

You turned your head to see Jill, writing with blood. „Jill was here" you could clearly read the text on the wall.


— Hehehe, sorry, sorry. It's just a habit...

— Now we have to burn down the entire house...

— Nooooo! It was beautiful house! — You cried out.

— I shouldn't have come here with two idiots together, — Jack pouted, — I hate you both. Girls are stupid!

Three of you set the house on fire and went back. Jack was pouting the whole time and wasn't talking you and Jill.

 — Jack! — Both of you cried in unison when he stormed into the carnival and locked himself in his tent.

— Hey!!! Where I'm supposed to stay tonight?! — You screamed.

— In my tent, I guess, — Jill replied.

The game only for you and me (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now