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One week has passed, Jack finally got enough courage to peek in the mansion.

— Psst! Is that scary woman still here? — He asked, wide eyed. He was hiding under the table and tugging at your sleeve.

— Of course „she" is, because „she" had been living here for years. — You smirked.

— AAAH!!! So she was stalking me for years?! Scary. I'm out.

— Wait, you idiot. It was just Ben. He cosplayed as movie character to scare you.

— Oh? Is that so? What if you're lying to let her catch me?

— Geez how stupid you can be, clown?

It took a while before he calmed down completely. You started poking him to annoy the hell out of him cheer him up.

— Hey Jackal, hey Jackpot, hey Pennywise...

— Cut it out, midget, it's been a while since I tortured you last and I wanted to ignore that fact and go little more easy on you but you're asking for it!

— Yikes! I was just joking.

— Whatever. We're visiting prey today, her parents are out to do some business and her grandmother, who was supposed to take care of her, is sleeping all day.

— Alright, — You sighed and mumbled, — I hope she's annoying at least, I hate doing that to innocent children.

— Yuck! You are my proxy, act like it, not like a softie.

— I'll try my best... or my worst... whatever. Jill is coming too?

— No, I have no idea where is she hiding after Ben's joke.

The two of you left the mansion and approached the victim's house.

— Hi, Jack! — Squealed the little girl.

— Aww, so tiny and already Hijacker. — You giggled.

— Who is this, Jack?

— This is your new friend.

— Oh, is she my birthday gift?

— Oh? You never said anything about birthday. I guess I'll give you a special gift. Where is your grandmother, by the way?

— In her room, sleeping.

— Why don't you eat this delicious candy first, before We'll give you a great present?

— But Jack, how come you have a big present prepared, if you didn't know about my birthday? — Child asked, unwrapping the candy and stuffing it in her mouth.

— Are you a kid or a detective? — Jack giggled, — Just relax and enjoy.

— Can you show me the gift fast, Jack? I feel very sleepy... my vision is blurry. — Said the kid before fainting.

— Now she won't scream and wake up that old hag until I want to. — Jack said, duct taping her mouth shut and tying her down, — Wake up, kid, you don't want to spend your birthday sleeping now, do you? — He said, shaking child's arms violently and slapping her small face.

— Happy birthday, Vio... — The door suddenly opened and bunch of kids stared at the girl and her guests.

— What the hell?! But she hadn't friends! — Jack exclaimed, chasing screaming kids to get rid of witnesses.

— Dunno. Maybe her relatives decided to pay her attention at least once in year? — You shrugged, chasing after them as well.

— Probably, —Said Jack, slicing open someone's throat with his claws, — Did we kill all?

— I think so. Only the birthday girl and her grandma are left. Let's just kill them fast and leave, maybe she already called the police.

* * *

— I feel like going out and killing someone, — You grumbled. You've just lost some game shamefully, and received sarcastic comments about it, which made you wish you had Ben's powers, which sadly you hadn't. Now you felt anger towards human race, you wanted to go out and take it out on the first annoying person you'd see. However, at the moment only Slenderman was home.

— You didn't have enough training, you can't go alone and I'm busy. Wait for someone to return.

— I'll be fine without a babysitter, — You pouted and stormed out from the mansion.

You walked around for hours, trying to not to get lost in the forest. Now you were totally regretting that you didn't listen to Slendy. Finally you've managed to find little city, but it would be careless to kill someone near the forest, that would get unnecessary attention. However, currently only clothes in your wardrobe were the striped puffy dresses, chosen by LJ, so of course people were rudely staring at you, that made you utterly annoyed.

You've picked up few large stones and headed to the roof of a tall building. You didn't feel like using knives this time, you liked them too much to lose and it would be trouble to throw them so far and then take them back.

— Who should I kill? — You looked down, not sure who to choose, — What am I waiting? A bad person? I'm not a hero to watch over the world, I'm the villain. Besides everyone is bad enough. Well, at least almost everyone.

You've finally chose the victim and made her head shatter like a porcelain cup. You tried to sneak away while confused, terrified or simply amused people were gathering around the corpse of your victim, but unfortunately turned out that police was pretty close.

— Don't move!

I can't die second time, can I? But if I'll ran into the forest and make whole police forces chase me all the way to the mansion, Slender will surely rip me to shreds."

You tried to ran away to the opposite direction, but there was no good place to hide, nor you were fast enough, so soon you felt sharp pain in legs and fell down on the ground. Soon you were handcuffed and stuffed into the police car.

„WOW I'm the lamest monster ever"

— Just what the hell is she?! Her bullet wounds are healing! Look! And they were exit wounds! How the hell is she able to heal the deep wounds like that?!

— How I'm supposed to know?! Are you sure that the bullets really hit her?

— Don't you see the blood?!

— Dunno, maybe she was just scratched?

— Even if that's so, she doesn't even have a scratch! What the hell are you?! — Policeman screamed, with fear in his eyes.

— Your mom. Now stop screaming in my face like that, your drools are all over me.

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