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— Washing dishes... This is too much! He did it on purpose. He knows that I can't stand water. How evil. — Ben cried out. — And Jeff's punishment was just sharpening weapons. Really? It's his hobby. This is huge favoritism. Not fair!

— Yep, Slendy probably favoritizes Jeff because his name is Woods. Anyway, talking about woods, I need to go and collect food in the wood. Animals, mushrooms, fruit... anything I can find. Weird punishment, right? Slendie decided to not to let my butt touch the couch all day. That old tyrant... See ya later, crossdresser boy. — You waved at Ben and ran away to finish task as soon as possible.

Forest was calming and beautiful. You've collected some fruits and mushrooms and set traps here and there, knowing that you still weren't fast enough to catch animal or well trained enough to kill it using throwing knives. You've waited for hours and of course started to fall asleep. That's when you've felt that something strong and menacing was nearing and heard loud swearing.

— F**KING TRAPS! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! — You've opened your eyes just to see Zalgo himself jumping on one foot.

Your eyes widened in fear and disbelief. You've grabbed the knife, you weren't planning to die without fight. It was rather hard to not to laugh at the sight, but you didn't want to annoy him, stories you had heard about him weren't as hilarious as he looked right now.

Hello, you must be Slender's new follower. Care to join me? I heard that you're not very welcomed there. You won't be tortured at my place. So, what will you say?

— Hold on. Why would you, someone so powerful need me, inexperienced and pretty useless walking corpse? This must be some kind of Loyalty test by Slender, I'm not falling for this. You're probably not even real Zalgo. Slender sure loves testing people.

— So, you're so useless that you can't even imagine why should someone need you as a follower? Then I'll just kill you.

— Eh? Wait, wait. I was just being humble. Alright, I'm coming.

— Don't forget to carry that basket too. — He said, pointing at the basket you had filled with fruit and mushrooms.

— Sure. — You've followed him to his place. Unlike Slendy, who owned a Victorian mansion, he had huge, red and black Gothic castle. It was hard to say which of them looked more badass.

— WOW, this place is pretty rad! — You've said, sitting on a chair, made of human bones with your legs crossed.

— That's my throne...

— Oops... — You've stood up, — So, what am I supposed to do as your follower.

— Same sh*t yo were doing with Slender... hunt, do chores sometimes... I'll give you more tasks later, I'm hungry right now. — He said, stuffing his mouth with fruit and mushrooms. — Delicious... very delici... Oh! My poor tummy! Woman, don't you know how to identify poisonous mushrooms?! OUCH! IT HURTS! I'M IN PAIN! — He cried out, farting a flame.

* * *

Living with Zalgo wasn't very bad, sometimes he was asking you to do easy chores, go on killing spree, spy on someone or meet new killers and offer them to join. However nobody really accepted, because all you were doing was giggling and asking: Hey pal, wanna talk about our lord and savior Zalgo?

— I told you to invite them, not to kill them, — Zalgo groaned, — What is wrong with you?!

— Not my fault, sir. They're all nuts. They're telling me to fuck off when I'm inviting them. Why would they do it I wonder?

— I do not know, but you're obviously bad at manipulating people. I'll give you other task. Go back to Slenderman and by my spy.

— Wait, you told me that I wouldn't be tortured anymore. If I'll go back...

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