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When the first souls entered the most primitive humans, Azrael noted the moment with great joy. The anticipation of tracking souls to other destinations in the spirit world excited the Watcher. As those primates evolved into forms more recognizable as hominids, Azrael's anticipation grew with each passing millennia. When the first true humans began to live, have children and die, Azrael followed them out of life. However, the first few generations of humans returned to the pyramid connection just as every soul had before.

Humans soon grew into tribal groups, just like their earliest relatives had in the canopy jungles. They remained together for shelter, survival and protection from the elements or the beasts of the land. Those first groups even came into to contact with other nomads as they moved in search of fresh hunting grounds. At first, there were no clashes between them. It was a wonderful and joyous moment for both groups.

One day, after the several generations of humans had lived, Azrael followed two humans on a hunt. They moved with stealth and speed. Together they stalked an unsuspecting deer. They had grown up together and hunted from a very early age. The quarry of their formative years being the other children and various small animals they could find. Once they grew old enough to join true hunts, they took their first kills and became inseparable. Together they always brought home good meat for their tribe.

Tracking this deer in their practiced method, one would strike with a spear throw. The injured deer would retreat, driven towards the second hunter who would attack with a thrust or throw of their own. They alternated who made the killing thrust and thus hold the extra boasting rights. Some times they were lucky, other times it was their skill. It was a rare moment when they failed to make a kill.

Their ploy worked on this deer. A steady strike on the beast's flanks sent it towards the other's waiting spear.

After killing the creature, an argument began over the choicest strips of meat. The argument escalated into a savage fight leaving one of the hunters dead and the other with hands bloodied crimson by both the deer and his friend.

Azrael noted the death, as it always did, but something was different. Standing in the underbrush, the translucent soul glowed, watching his killer. The soul was surprised by the sudden ferocity that spun the argument out of control, and by its death. The Watcher's reflective fires trembled with excitement. This is the beginning, Azrael thought, as the soul followed the killer.

The ghost and the Watcher listened to the killer's thoughts. The killer rolled the body over onto its stomach, wanting his former friend to stop looking at him. He wiped his bone knife on the hide covering his friend's back. Considering the two corpses, the killer thought the body of the slain deer looked just the same as his friend's. He had killed both of them and while they looked the same in death, he decided only to eat the meat of the deer.

The killer set about preparing the deer for the trip back to the caves where the tribe was sheltered. It would be hard work carrying the carcass alone but it would be worth it. It was a good kill and the tribe would be happy for the meat. They would be saddened by the loss of his friend, but now he would be the best hunter. It was an honour he would never have to share again. Now there would be more for him.

So very much more, the killer thought, hefting the deer over his shoulders.

Azrael remembered Samael's prediction and heard the Angel's voice say, "Greedy."

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