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While the fog cleared from Dagan's vision, the lonely bell tolled: Bong. He and Decimus stood in an empty intersection of a crumbling city. The buildings were run down, burned out and abandoned. The people wandering the litter strewn streets wore glum faces and carried hunched shoulders. These souls were collecting endless amounts of garbage that blew along the streets and were placing it into large sacks. Dagan saw that the cleaners made little to no impact on the city's detritus. Blighting the inky darkness of the perpetual night's sky, one monstrous office building loomed. The crimson lights bordering the mirrored black building were the city's only real illumination. The street lights were dead and no lights burned in the surrounding buildings. Aside from the few luxury cars cruising the streets, the city was in a total blackout.

The neowatcher saw looks of desire on the faces of the curb side souls as cars swept past. Such luxury was beyond them in this world and their faces told Dagan the story.

"This way," Decimus growled, walking towards the great skyscraper.

The ominous tower's black marble was polished to a glossy sheen. Dagan reminded himself he was in Hell as they passed the large bronze sign on the side of the building proclaiming: 'Morningstar Incorporated'. The two Watchers passed through the building's revolving doors. The lobby, sculpted entirely from black marble, was maintained to painstaking lengths by crews of souls pushing large spinning floor buffers. The light above a single set of elevator doors winked on. Ding! Its red glow reflected off the glassy walls. The doors of the elevator slid open.

Stepping inside, Decimus pressed a golden button marked '666'. Dagan guessed that would be the top floor. The doors shut with a whisper. Shuddering, the elevator began to climb.

"We're meeting...?" Dagan asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Decimus grunted.

He hasn't been very chatty this trip, Dagan thought while appreciating the luxurious elevator's interior. The faceplate of the control panel, a high sheen black, had large golden buttons. A golden handrail circled the mirrored walls. Knowing Decimus wasn't in the mood to talk, Dagan sighed. He was content to see the floors speed past on the digital display above the door. During the red number's swift rise through the hundreds, Dagan began to whistle.

"What's that?" Decimus asked.

"Highway to Hell. A popular tune."

"I don't care what song it is. Why are you whistling?"

"You didn't seem very interested in talking." Dagan replied. "I'm passing the time."

"It bothers me." The Centurion told Dagan.

"Not very comfortable in Hell, are we?"

"When you see who's waiting, you won't be either."

The elevator slowed. When the numbers reached 666, the doors opened with a hiss. Neither Dagan nor Decimus moved. They both stared out the elevator at the onyx black set of double doors at the end of a short hallway.

"After you." Decimus said.

"You're the guide, lead on." Dagan replied.

Unsure of what lay beyond, he was more than happy to let the Roman take the first steps. Initially nonchalant about visiting Hell, being here was a different feeling. Apart from the heavy weight pressing against him, Dagan was nervous. He tried to sound light hearted and asked, "What's the matter Decimus? Is the devil waiting for us on the other side of those doors?"

Disappear: Into ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now