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Once Rabdos had reached the vast stacks of the Library proper, it slid into the ocean of rows holding red leather tomes and tall, narrow mirrors with some sense of relief. Lurking had become much more straight forwards. The bare, bright, open courtyards, esplanades and avenues of the Silver City had been difficult cover to navigate. There had been far too many wings about to become careless as he had flitted from the few shadows that could be found in a city of light.

Once the trumps blared, the wings had obediently vanished into the great dome at the city's heart. Alone and inside the Heavens' library, he had a cornucopia of options available to him to hide amongst. Despite believing himself entirely alone inside the building, The Strangler had remained cautious. Slipping from one shadow to the next, the lithe, black wraith wisp of Rabdos' form had darted about the floor of the extensive structure.

Now, floating in the inky depths of Raziel's study Rabdos felt energized and calm, even still. He knew his quarry would arrive soon. Oh what a thing to hunt again. This was different that his usual fare of souls though. This was big game, and a cunning one. Ancient or not, the Angel of Mysteries was a powerful entity. Rabdos reminded itself to remain vigilant, cautious and ruthless.

Staring out from its hiding place at the shelves stuffed with paperback novels, Rabdos looked towards the large wingback chair in the study. To its left was the pillar holding the chained and locked Book of Raziel. His trophy.

A change in the air warned The Strangler of his prey's approach.

When the ancient Angel floated into the study, Rabdos wanted to shriek and crackle with energetic anticipation.

Raziel set down the red leather tome he had been absorbed in. He floated to one of the shelves and pulled down one of the paperbacks. He flipped through pages as he drifted to the study's chair. Folding his wings, he settled in and found his place in the book. After reading a few lines, he lowered his copy of 'The Alchemist' and peered towards the fireplace.

"It is a rare thing for me to find an uninvited guest in my study." The Angel said. "To what do I owe this intrusion?"

From the shadows came the hissing reply, "Your bookssss."

"Was that singular or plural?" The Librarian asked.

"The book. Your book. I have come for itsss."

"You may not find that an easy task." Raziel replied.

"I'll takes it and burnsss this place into Hell."

"Ah, Rabdos is it?"


"Libraries do seem to be your specialty. I hope you manage to escape with your prize, this time."

"You know nothingsss."

"What I do not know is what you want with my book. Though I could well hazard a guess. Care to tell me why? I could never, in good consience, let it go without knowing the purpose, now could I? Enlighten a poor, tired, old Angel."

"You may be ancient and crafty, Angel of Mysteries, but you are far from what you describe."

"As you say. Well then? What is your plan at this point? Do we fight? Do you destroy me?"


"Very well, although you have yet to answer my question. Why do you require my book?"

"Ffffreedom." The wraith spat as it emerged from the shadows of the fireplace. Its misty, shadow form twisted about in the firelight. The Strangler's redeyes bored into Raziel's tranquil blue gaze.

"Freedom is it? From whom? Your master, this, Shade?"

"I have no master." Rabdos hissed in reply.

"Of course you have a master. The elusive Shade and you owe him an obligation of some manner. To be released from it you must destroy me and sieze my book." Raziel's eyes drained of their kind blues and were replaced by a pair of shimmering purple orbs. "filfill your obligation. Destroy me." Said the Ancient Angel. His voice had changed, becoming a dry rasp that was familiar to Rabdos.

"Do not hesitate, Strangler. Smother me as you would any other prey."

Rabdos sprang forwards, knocking the Angel backwards in his chair. Whisping tendrils of the Stangler's form wrapped about the Librarian's throat. Raziel did not struggle. Instead it looked up into Rabdos' eyes with a beatific calm.

"Yessss," Raziel croaked. "Finish it."

At the command from the insistent purple eyes, the wraith's grip tightened. It held on as they dimmed and receeded.

A discarnate voice urged Rabdos on, "More." It rasped. "Take his head."

Rabdos squeezed the angelic neck with all his might. With a twisting wrench he severed the head from the still body. A plume of purple blood sprayed the bookshelves closest to the pillar holding the great book he had come for. He held the head up and looked into its peaceful face. With disgust, he threw the head out of the study's entranceway.

"Good. Good!" The rasping voice said from behind Rabdos. The Strangler spun about to see the spectral form of The Shade, hovering beside the headless body of Raziel. Glowing with purple light it wheezed and laughed.

"Why are you here?" Rabdos challenged Shade.

"Tying up loose ends. I no longer required the use of Raziel. His purpose is done. Now, take the book and carry it to the world. Give it to Dagan. You'll remember him from the last great library you visited."

"Human scum." Rabdos swore.

"No longer. He is a Watcher now."

"Pissss and sssshit. He's even lesss of a creature now."

"Tut-tut, Rabdos. Spare him your hatred. Deliver the book to him and our arrangement is complete. You will be free to hunt as you choose."

"I hasss your wordsss?" Rabdos asked.

"Yes," replied The Shade. "Sit what's left of Raziel in the chair. Then, you may go."

Disappear: Into ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now