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The Silver City had been tarnished. Even during the Rebellion, it had never seen conflict or damage. Considered too beautiful to host battle amidst its spires and towers, that had all changed when the screaming stormfront of blackened clouds swept through the magnificent city. Its face, now scarred, had had its innocence pried away with rough vengeful hands.

The mirrored panels of many towers were scorched, warped and ruined. Giant gashes were torn from the sides of cathedrals and domes. Stained glass windows were smashed apart; even the huge bay windows on some of the towers had shattered. The damage appeared more cosmetic than permanent, but the message it sent was devastating.

War had returned to Heaven.

Flights of Angels were already at work repairing the blight on their City. Some already bore replacement panels and glass on nettings woven from golden rope. The great heavenly library was not far from where the storm had passed through before plunging into the Styx. There was minimal damage to the white marble pillars of the building and no serious harm had befallen the large glass domes housing the repository of heavenly knowledge. A few dozen Angels patched the damaged stone and white washed the scorch marks on the exterior walls.

In a nearby garden park, crouched in the shadows of a great hedge maze, Rabdos watched the damage control parties flying about the towers of the great city. When two Angels drifted high above the maze, Rabdos listened to them speaking in frantic hushed tones. "Where did these spirits come from? Has Hell attacked us? Where are the Angels of Wrath?"

With all the chaos in the city, the flustered Angels did not see Rabdos creeping through the pearled gates and silvered streets, making his careful and deliberate way to his destination.

The Strangler lurked in the shadows of the garden, observing the Library's entrance. Wide open, a great archway lead into the white marble walls and domes beyond. Streams of angels passing in and out of the building flew under the arch. The traffic was constant and Rabdos realised he would have to work around a heavy angelic presence.

Watching, the spirit's eyes smouldered with contempt. Rabdos hated them both, Angels and Libraries. He had not shed the blood of an Angel since the Rebellion. As for Libraries, he had burnt down many since his first in Alexandria. He had developed a taste for it. Soon he hoped to taste both at once. Knowledge, Rabdos thought with malice. Gifted to humanity by the Watchers, Rabdos enjoyed destroying it. It was almost as satisfying as smothering souls and killing life itself. He hoped for the opportunity to do some more damage once he completed his task. First, he must steal the Librarian's book for the Shade. After that, he would be free.

More than anything, Rabdos wanted to be rampaging across the world alongside the ravening horde Shade had released. Only the chance to torch this library appealed to Rabdos, a cold comfort. Soon he would return to his worldly hunting ways of old. Rabdos promised itself that it would never be controlled again, by Shade or any other lord or master.

Thinking about the joy of burning this great building, Rabdos noticed the Angels' habit of flying as close as possible to the peak of the archway, to the massive keystone holding the balance of the arch. There was no low flying traffic. Hoping this trend would continue until he could get closer, Rabdos slipped back into the shadows of the hedge.

The arch is hundreds of hands high and wide, the shadow thought. This was going to be easier than Rabdos suspected. Approaching the archway, three angels flew together in a close formation. The Strangler slipped into the shadows cast on the ground by their wide wings as they joined the columns entering the Library.

Rabdos heard them chuckle as each passed as close as possible to the keystone. One of them was disqualified by his fellows for brushing his feathers against the stone. Rabdos listened to the Angel protest his innocence as they drifted inside.

Lost in the ground clutter on the white marble tiles, the shadow slipped away when the Angels turned a corner. The long shadows he found in the sea of shelves and red leather tomes made him smile. Rabdos saw many places to hide. Soon he would find what he came for, until then he must remain patient. It felt good to be hunting again, even if it was after some ancient Angel and his book.

Disappear: Into ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now