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Walking the world in the first weeks of their return, Susan, Simon and Dagan had been thirsty for news. They often stooped over to read the corner box's newspapers. The front pages showed stories of natural disasters, earthquakes, tidal waves, flooding, golf ball sized hail and freak, non-seasonal snow falls. These strange weather patterns usually involved hurricanes or tornadoes. Wind, wind, wind. It was everywhere.

Immael told them that they were some of the changes pointing towards the inevitable end times. The world was becoming unstable, seething, almost eager for the ravages of humanity to end. "It's just the way of things," He said.

Dagan, Susan and Simon began discovering the extreme differences between living and watching. As they walked the world, the obvious struck first. Not needing to eat, drink or bathe. However, it was the lack of sleeping that really blew them away. There was so much time to fill now that sleep had been removed from their schedules.

When night fell and most of the living slept, they travelled to other countries and time zones. Immael warned that it wasn't healthy to spend too much time with any one subject. Watching them sleep night after night was dangerous for everyone. "Desire is a risk Watchers must face everyday." Immael added.

The friends scoffed at first. After a few months of watching, Immael began to notice jealousy and envy begin to creep into the thoughts of the three neophytes.

Dagan longed for a hamburger and fries, a cold beer; and, to swim.

Susan missed hot baths, ice cream, and a good night's sleep. Chocolate chip cookies were nice too. More than anything, she wanted to talk with those she watched over. If only I could tell them about their patterns. I could help them through their problems.

Immael smiled at her thoughts. At least hers were positive. Dagan wanted to slap subjects who made a mistake they had sworn never to repeat.

Simon was much quieter than the others. He did not speak about what he missed. (It was sex.) He really missed holding Susan in whatever incarnation she was in. He especially missed being inside of her. How he longed for that feeling of closeness and heat. He did daydream about steak and eggs with hot sauce but what he missed, what he envied most of the living, was sex.

Each of them struggled with their little problems. It was normal and part of the adjustment period. Now, Immael would leave them under the supervision of two Watchers who could give them more guidance and direction in these matters. Even though it would not be easy, he felt confident each of them would be able to conquer the transition.

Throughout her lives Susan had always tackled issues and challenges head on. She worked hard to overcome and learn from their experiences. Immael did not worry for her. Dagan and Simon on the other hand, were a concern. Dagan, headstrong and aggressive, embraced the shadow elements of the world more than the others. His superiority complex had become aggravated over the past year. It was not a good trait for any Watcher and it could be trouble.

Simon was an enigma. At times he seemed dedicated and focused on the task of acclimatizing to the world. Taking on the responsibilities at one moment, but in the next he could become so withdrawn and introspective. Simon, like Dagan, had experienced many difficult lives where rage, fear and conflict reigned and often directed his course. Immael hoped Simon would be able to let go of the hatred and frustration he kept hidden inside.

If they were able to get through their challenges all would be well. He knew the world and the universe would conspire to help them achieve those goals and meet their last obstacles. Their choices, of course, were their own. He had been here to watch them and offer advice where he could. Now it was up to the souls to determine their own path.

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