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On the other side of Heaven, behind the eye of paradise's sky, the Source was bustling. Sitting on a hilltop, Michael and Azrael watched the long columns of life moving throughout the celestial transvaald below. Every creature of the world, from insect to primate, milled about this spring of life. It was unchanged from Michael's memories of his first visit with Azrael.

Cutting through the Source was a great river. It flowed from a distant point of light on the horizon which was a pale, unclouded eye. The dark onyx, purples, reds, blues and yellows of souls soared above the beasts in the Source.

"Funny that." Michael said as a string of five darted past. Their images rippled, blurring as they landed. They had respectively become an elephant, a human, two ducks and a salamander.

"Its good to be home at last," Azrael said. "This must seem a bit strange."

Michael did not feel troubled. In point of fact he felt disturbingly at ease; comfortable and accustomed. "This feels like home," he said.

"Yes, home. I get this warm, peaceful feeling every time I return. That's what draws me back. You just don't forget a feeling like it, ever."

"Where are my friends?"

"I'm afraid you're not going to see them for awhile. They already move amongst the living as neowatchers. Until we figure out who's behind this, I must ensure you're here, safe."

"What about Dagan?"

"Don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye on him. Hopefully, he'll stumble and give us a clue."

"What am I supposed to do now?" Michael asked. "It won't be paradise unless you're with me." He grumbled.

"I'm needed elsewhere, but I'm always near you. Remember all you've seen in this journey and you'll always be free. Swear this to me now."

"I swear."

"Good," Azrael said, gently touching Michael's face.

Before Michael realised what he was doing, he drew Azrael's mouth to his. He could feel her lips against his kiss, taut and unyielding. He had surprised her, but just as he was about to pull away, embarrassed, her mouth parted and he felt a surge of passion, fire and energy. She gripped his arms, pulling him tight against her. Michael felt her hunger and desire. Neither of them wanted to break the embrace. When they finally did, they looked deep into each other's eyes. Volumes were spoken, heard and understood in the newfound gaze lovers yearn for and seek to renew with every glance afterwards.

"We can't," a breathless Azrael said. "You have no idea how much I want to. We can't. It's forbidden. She held her hand to Michael's mouth, stopping him from saying anymore. "I have to go."

"I'll miss you."

"Be well, my love."

When Azrael's hand slid from Michael's face, her thumb caressed the corner of his mouth. Shimmering with dark intensity, she drew herself away and rose above the plains. Soon, she was just another burning light in the Source.

"A lifetime has passed in these moments." Michael said, hoping Azrael would answer.

In a flash, he was surrounded by whiteness. Michael could not distinguish a sense of depth, and without it there was no discernable border between himself and his environment. Floating, a sense of structure returned as though his equilibrium had re-acquired its balance. "This feels like a dream." Michael said aloud.

Disappear: Into ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now