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At the pinnacle of one of the Silver City's many spires and columns, Raziel and Michael enjoyed the magnificent vista stretched out before them. Golden light shone down through the windless sky, its warmth and light reflected off the majestic mirrored surfaces of the city's towers.

A determined Michael was insistent as he questioned the Angel of Mysteries, "What about the Bible? Jesus? Mohammed? Buddha? What about them? Where do they fit in?"

"All real. Each important and have their own place in your history and evolution. They carried their messages to the people. Different places have different needs and experiences. Every messenger had the same intent. There is a world beyond and it is a world of love. That is the root behind each message and their varying interpretations."

"Why the differences?"

With wide, warm eyes, a smiling Raziel said, "Humanity has a tendency to see differences and rarely focuses on similarities. You are all one, yet each individual is different, unique. Every message and event is interpreted in many fashions according to each person."

The broad, pleasant plains of the Heavens glowed beneath the unmoving clouds of the silver city. The illumination kept Michael in awe. "In every description I've heard, Angels are supposed to be helpers. Watching over us, sitting on our shoulders, protecting us. From what I've seen they don't like souls much."

"Not entirely the case now is it? What about me? Or, those you met in the Hells? Azrael? The dark star that has shined over your lives? What about her?"

"She's different."

"Other than the choices she made, Azrael is the same as any Angel. Those you find in the Heavens? Lost. Lost in the perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory: their own. Being kept in isolation, what would you expect? The angels on the shoulder, the protectors? Those guardians are Azrael's Angels. Watchers stand over you as you sleep; beside you in your darkest moments; or greatest accomplishments, those Angels love humanity and all life. They are no different than the Angels of Heaven; or, have you seen nothing I have shown?" Raziel turned his wings on Michael. Floating past, the Angel's robe temporarily blocked the golden light.

They had returned to the paperback mysteries of the Librarian's study. Raziel hovered in the farthest, dark corner of the study. The heavy leather tome rested beside him. As he touched its worn cover, candlelight flickered to life on two flanking candelabras.

The pages of the tome were decorated with illuminations of incredible beauty and ancient craftsmanship. Michael could not read the text. Not hieroglyphs, Hebrew, Cyrillic or Asian characters, the figures and symbols were unrecognizable. Though unable to read the tome, there was a stirring inside of him. An understanding of what lay on the pages that turned without the help of Raziel's heavy hands.

"My book of mystery. You cannot decipher it because it is written in the language of the Elohim."

"Showing off are we?" A soft voice asked from the fireside couch.

Michael's heart leapt when their eyes met. It was Azrael.

"Hey you," she said.

"You're back!" Michael exclaimed.

"How's the memory coming?"

"Slowly. We have rebuilt many past experiences though." Raziel told her. "There are some issues from his past we must discuss." The Angel coughed and said, "Privately."

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