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After the sun slipped beneath the horizon, Dagan yawned and stretched. He looked around his chambers. Ordinarily kept immaculate, the room was littered with bowls, plates and scraps of food. Rabdos was not a good houseguest, he told himself. The baker's body had not moved from the window and its view of the setting sun. Rabdos fixed its black eyes on the closed door moments before there was a knock.

"What should I do?" Dagan asked.

"Send whoever it is away, fool." Rabdos barked.

Dagan rose from his day couch. Crossing over to the door, he asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Marrigan. Where have you been all day, Herodicus?" The voice asked.

Hearing his old name, Dagan winced. He didn't want to be reminded of his old life. "I'm not feeling well."

"Probably all the food you ate! There's going to be hell to pay when the masters find out how much you've eaten. You can't gorge yourself like that. There is such a thing as portions."

"I know, I know, but I'm not well." Dagan said.

"Should I fetch the healers for you?"

"No!" Dagan exclaimed. "No, no, I'll be fine. I just need to sleep."

"If you need anything," Marrigan's voice said. "I'll be in the restricted hall tonight."

"What?" Dagan asked.

"They approved me. Tonight I'll be reading like a man possessed! Too bad you're ill, you were approved too." A flattened sheet of papyrus scratched its way under the door. "There's your writ, perhaps they'll let you in another night."

"Maybe," A disappointed Dagan said, reaching down. He had been asking to access the hall for years now. Of all the nights for his request to finally be approved, why tonight? If it had been last night he could have gained such new knowledge before leaving. Now he would never gain the wisdom denied to him for so long.

"I wouldn't bring any food when you do go!" Marrigan laughed.

"I should sleep." Dagan said.

"Dream of the gods and ask for better health, my friend."

He listened to the soft footfalls of Marrigan's sandals pad down the hall outside before turning away from the door. The black eyes studied him as he walked back to his couch.

"Who was that?" Rabdos hissed.

"Marrigan," Dagan answered. "A fellow astrologer. I can't believe they allowed us to go in tonight. What a waste!"

"This is fortuitous." Rabdos said.

"Why's that?" Dagan asked.

"You won't have to sneak in. You have permission. While I distract the Watchers, you can deflect attention from yourself by framing Marrigan."

How much worse could this get? Marrigan is a good man, Dagan told himself. However, if he was going to be a thief, he might as well become a liar too. He sat on his couch, watching the light dim and the shadows lengthen around his chambers.

"I need more food." Rabdos said.

Dagan held his head and sighed. This was becoming intolerable.

Disappear: Into ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now