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A rugged black mountain chain had been created in a dark corner of the realms of Heaven. They were originally formed as a backdrop for tribes of high plains hunters that had longed to see a mountainous skyline, one that reminded them of their previous home on the world. The peaks were high, perilous and, from a distance, remarkably beautiful.

At the heart of those black peaks lay the impenetrable fortress and spiritual prison of the Heavens known as Tartarus. Perched above an imposing cliff face of jet black stone stood the four towers of Tartarus. Circling the towers, ceaseless flights of patrolling Cherubim guarded the great black walls. The distant light of the brilliant pyramid above the Silver City made their golden armour shine, the only light found in these gloomy mountains.

Secluded in this far flung darkened corner, the Cherubs had turned their wings on those held inside the mighty walls. Under constant guard, Uriel had decreed the motto of this place, his masterpiece. It was pondered by both prisoners and guardians alike, "None shall pass, but eternity."

Never discussed in polite angelic company, Tartarus was an oubliette, a forgotten place. There was no beauty here. It was the diametric opposite of the Angelic construction that graced the Silver City's magnificence. Tartarus was an interminable darkness, just the way Uriel had planned to govern Hell. Uriel believed that Azrael had stolen that from him. Now he was about to make her pay for that insult. Soaring high above the dark mountains, Uriel flew towards the great prison fortress. His white armour glowed in contrast to the peaks and black stone walls. As he descended to the roof of the main keep, the patrolling Cherubs bowed in the air as he passed.

Uriel gave a dismissive wave and floated under the raised golden portcullis and through the massive bronze doors of the only entrance. He followed the spiralling corridor that carried him deep into the bowels of the prison. As his bare feet swept above the smooth stone of the descending passageway, Uriel strained to find some leverage to use against this powerful Shade. He remained uncertain as to whether or not this wasn't some great trap set by Azrael or worse, Lucifer. The temptations of this plan smacked of the influence of Hell.

The Shade's promise to grant him control over Heaven was the greatest lure for Uriel. He knew many Angels that had fallen because of such promises. The Archangel of Wrath however, had not see any other course of action. If he was to be soiled in this small instance, it would be worth it. Worth the Kingdom of Heaven and the greater good he could achieve as its potentate. Besides, the opportunity to dispatch Azrael and her troublemakers would be an even sweeter victory. After ending the Outcasts, what more proof would the Heavens need of his power and ability to rule?

The inky darkness of the prison's lowest layer was reserved for the worst offenders of Heavenly law. Passing through the murk, Uriel had found no solution to his dilemma. He would go along with the nefarious plan. The rewards, Uriel told himself, are too great to be ignored.

"Light," Uriel ordered.

The walls of the corridor burst into flame as the hanging firebrands between each of the doors lining the hall ignited. Uriel floated along the hallway stretching deep into the bedrock of the mountain. Past door after door, counting off more than a thousand until he stopped, hovering in front of door 1111. The Shade had told him this door lead to the secret ward. Uriel still held lingering doubts. Pouring over his own records, Uriel discovered there was in fact, no door 1111 catalogued on this or any level of the prison.

Was it oversight? The Angel wondered. He was perplexed. Was it so easy to hide a ward claiming to be greater than the entire population of this dark fortress? Uriel hoped when he opened the door he'd find some pitiful Watcher or Daemon caught many years ago. He would laugh at the helpless lump that probably had not seen another being since its incarceration. He wished for it, because if what the Shade had told him was true, everything was about to change. Uriel certainly yearned for it, especially in the skies over Heaven. Would it be all he dreamed of? Uriel decided when he took Seraphiel's seat on the Seraphim Council he would order the creation of a different sky every day. That was a change he could tolerate. He was certain holding sway over the power of Heaven would be a comfortable change as well.

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