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Azrael discovered a war had been fought on the plains of Heaven. Emerging out of the Styx and onto the white sandy beaches, she found the souls of the blessed hiding throughout the soft rolling dunes. Out on the plains lay evidence of a mighty battle. The scorched black ground of the Elysian field still smouldered. Flights of Angels soared between the plains and clouds of the highest Heaven.

One flight of Angels, seeing this newcomer and unknown Watcher, swooped down to the dunes. The blaring of trumpets was ample warning for the souls hiding in the immediate vicinity. They scattered from the descending Angels, afraid they would be carried up to the cloud city like so many others.

Azrael did not resist as strong cherubic hands lifted her into the sky. The frightened souls watched from their hiding places in the dunes, only revealing themselves when the trumpet's clarion calls faded. The Angels climbed past the clouds to the silver city high above the blackened plains, carrying Azrael with them.

Passing pillars and ivory temples, the Watcher and her Angelic escort sailed through the highest Heaven. The Seraphim Gates, a great marble circle of imperial purple, was guarded by more of the white cinctured Cherubs. The gate rolled back to reveal the chambers of the Seraphim Council.

Inside the ivory dome, the Council was already assembled along with the hosts of the Heavens. The cacophony of the individual trumpeting of the gathered host's presence was deafening. As always, Azrael pushed the symphony's gusto to the back of her mind.

Beneath the dais where the Council sat, a mighty ring of wings and fiery swords surrounded a group of battered and bloodied Angels. Azrael noted that many of Angels standing within the floating ring were ones she did not care for. Among them were characters like Asmodeus, Sonnelion, Rahas, Theotus, Alouqua, Apollyon, Dumah, Inias, Verrier, and Rabdos. Behind him stood Andras, Urobach and Ronwe, Naamah, Belisa, Nakir and Mankir all of whom wore dark scowls. They were only a few of the many being held. Each one blazed with defiance at their captors.

At the center of the prisoners stood the Morningstar. Samael, the most beautiful of all the Angels, was a prisoner. Thanks to Sataniel, Azrael knew the fate about to be handed to him.

An electric buzz radiated through the sphere as those floating listened and murmured amongst themselves. Floating back and forth above his dais, Seraphiel harangued Samael calling him and the other captives traitors and rebels against their God.

"How you are fallen from Heaven, son of the morning! Now you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations of the Heavens! You, who waged war against your own kind, trying to lift yourself above God himself! You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you!"

Samael said nothing. He stood tall and proud. Azrael saw the scorn, the rage and hate burning inside Samael, but even with that, he remained beautiful.

To the left of the Council's dais, Azrael saw the bronze tablet on the floor. She knew Samael and those with him would soon be ushered onto it and their fall would begin. Amongst the Council she recognized Abdiel and Raguel sitting behind the floating Seraphiel. Behind the seated council, and ever blustering Seraphiel, was another Angel. He floated beside the ivory blind, shielding the golden throne from Azrael's sight. Sandalphon was all that Sataniel had described. A vision of truth and compassion, he floated in silence listening to the Prince of the Seraphim's accusations against the rebels.

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