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(A/N: I didn't intend on making this so long and I'm sorry. Whoops. Oh well, I actually kinda like it even though it's practically a short story. Tell me if you prefer longer or shorter one-shots too, by the way. Look, I'm rambling again. Sorry. Enjoy!)

Bucky's flesh hand was clenching the arm of the professionally polished black seat that he had made himself try and look comfortable in. Sam had brought both Bucky and Steve along to visit his good friend, who was also an extremely good lawyer, to attempt to get help on Bucky's case. Eventually, Bucky had realised that he could not hide out all of his life and Steve assured him that it would be probable that he got away without any consequences. Bucky thought his friend's optimism was sweet; also too optimistic. But now here the three of them were, sitting in your office waiting for you to get here and, hopefully, take Bucky's case.

"Mr Barnes?" Although your voice was as soft as you could muster, Bucky jumped. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). It's really nice to meet you. Sam has said lots about you." Although your voice and posture held a professional air to it, you were just as nervous as the three men in front of you. This case was personal and you could not mess it up. "Let's get started."


Three weeks. This case had been going on three weeks longer than you suspected it would. Unsurprisingly, prosecution had found a generous load of evidence that they tied to the free will of one James Buchanan Barnes instead of The Winter Soldier. None of your witnesses had even taken the stand yet. You had only been allowed to cross examine all of the opponents witnesses and although you hadn't failed, you were sure you could do much more if you were given the chance.

And so, your wish was granted when you arrived at the courtroom on one miserable Monday to find that it was in fact the defence's turn to take to the stand. With your client trailing behind you, you were prepared. You turned and began to prepare Bucky. He was nervous. You knew.

The two of you had spent every night together for the past month. Sure it was awkward at first, but soon enough you got little glimpses about what you assumed this man used to be. He'd crack really bad jokes, tease you until your cheeks were the temperature of the sun and he even gave you an array of nicknames with 'doll' and 'baby' being the most frequent. But the Bucky Barnes in front of you now is the same Bucky Barnes you had seen on the first day you met him; nervous, scared and, falsely so, guilty.

"Hey," You tugged, gently, on Bucky's arm and his gaze diverted from the jury filing in, to you. "You're gonna be great, Buck."

"I hope so." With that, your client took to the stand. You would be lying if you said you didn't feel a bit tense too. Normally, this was your moment to shine. You loved what you did. You liked getting justice and the smile of a happy client and the frown of your opposition when you proved your case without flaw. But right now, you felt as if someone was tugging at your heart and they weren't going to let go anytime soon. So you did what you thought to do. Plastered a fake, confident smirk on your face and stood with your chin lifted and posture firm. You were, as Sam would put, in your 'lawyer mode'. For a second, even Bucky looked intimidated.

"Settle down." The judge took her place, ordering the court, and everyone settled down, looking to Bucky sitting patiently at the stand. "Mr Barnes," Bucky inhaled. "Is it true that you worked under the organisation HYDRA?"

"That is correct, yes."

"HYDRA is known as a radical Nazi organisation. Responsible for the death of world leaders, doctors, scientists, members of SHIELD and so on..." Bucky shifted uncomfortably in his seat. You could tell he was getting frustrated with the fact that he was so hesitant. But that was good. This proves he hasn't rehearsed this. This proves he's... human.

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