December 17th

148 13 10

"So... what's new? How is LA doing, how's Pentatonix doing?" Michael wanted to know as he was alone with Avi and the two men were on their way to the roller skating rink.

"LA is awesome, just as always" Avi said. Pentatonix is busy as every year around Christmas. There must be something about this time of year which makes all people suddenly love acapella."

"Well, for me it's mainly because it's true and genuine, it's not this overproduced pop stuff. It's fun and it's innovative and I don't know, I just like it a lot" Michael said. "But then again I like it all around the year."

"True. But I am so happy that we had the day off yesterday and today as well. Just some time to spend with a good friend is all I needed."

Michael chuckled. "I'm glad that it's the two of us again. I've missed skating with you" he said.

"Me too. Especially because my fiancé doesn't really like roller skating" Avi pointed out. "So it's mostly me unless I meet up with Kevin, but then again we both are so busy that we hardly have time."

"I feel you" Michael said. "Anyway, how are the preparations for the wedding going?"

"Oh, just fine. We already have a wonderful location, we have an official who is going to conduct the ceremony. But apart from that we're still planning and everything" Avi said. "I am looking forward, to the day, thought."

"Why shouldn't you?" Michael smiled at him. "I am looking forward as well. I cannot wait to see you in front of the altar." He sighed while he parked the car in front of the skating rink. "I would love to do it again and again. Getting married to her, that is."

"Really? But it is just so much work" he said. "I mean, I am glad to have Mitch, because he loves to organise all this stuff. If I had to do it alone, I think, I would surrender. Definitely."

"It is a lot of work, but believe me, it is worth it. You'll see it as soon as you're standing in front of the altar with him" Michael said and smiled at his friend. "Anyway. We were here to have some fun, right? Shall we head inside?"


Avi and Michael did have a lot of fun, just skating and messing around. The rink was almost empty, from time to time they even had it all to themselves. Time flew by and it was not long until Michael looked at the clock and was surprised of how much time had passed.

"We definitely need to get back home" he called over to Avi. "I know that Carissa is cooking dinner and she would hate it if we're late."

Avi nodded. "Yeah" he called back. Plus I am rather hungry right now after this work out we just had."

"Well then, let's go" Michael turned around to skate to the exit but he somehow didn't put his feet right. "Shit" he cursed after he had crashed down, right onto his knee.

Avi moved over to him and kneeled down next to him. "Are you okay? Can you get up?"

"I guess. I fell down onto my knee. Maybe if I take of the skates I can get up?" Immediately Avi helped him out of the things and took off his own to be able to support him.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Avi wanted to know, but Michael shook his head. "No. I can put weight on the knee, it's just going to be a huge bruise, you know. I'll need ice and maybe some ibuprofen, that's all. Can you drive us home?"

"Of course" Avi said and took the keys from Michael. He packed up their stuff and then helped him into the car.

He drove them back to their house and helped him back out of the car and inside. "Hi, Carissa, hi, Babe" he greeted after sitting Michael down on the sofa with his leg resting high. "Carissa, where do you have an ice-pack? Michael thought it was a good idea to fall down at the last possible minute. He has a bruise on his knee, but that is about it."

Carissa handed him one out of the freezer. "Here you are" she said.

"Is it bad?" Mitch asked after pressing a kiss on Avi's cheek.

"Well he can put weight on it, but it will bruise" Avi replied.

Mitch pouted. "Well, so much for going out tonight" he said, but then shrugged his shoulders. "But well, we can hang out here, as well."

Carissa nodded while stirring in the food. "We'll find something fun to do."

In the end, they spent the night playing board games and jamming around. It was a fun night and both, Avi and Mitch were glad to be able to be with their friends, rather than being in a hotel. It really was some time to lean back and just enjoy.

And it made both of them very happy.


A/N: It's time to decide:
Who do you want to spend Christmas Eve with?
Mavi, Jerstie, Kevlyssa or Scolex???

I'm rooting for Mavi, but I'll do anything ;)

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