December 5th

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"Alyssa?" Kevin closed the book he had been reading when he heard the front door close. He smiled brightly when his girlfriend entered the living room, stood up from the sofa and opened his arms for her.

She had been visiting her family for the past days and just came home. She set down her bags and literally ran into her boyfriend's arms. "Kevin" she said and snuggled up close to his broad chest. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too" Kevin replied. He kissed her softly.

"Mmhm" she hummed and let the kiss linger for another moment before she let go of him.

"How are your parents? How is everyone" Kevin wanted to know.

"Everyone's fine. They did tell me to say 'hi'" she said. "It was great to see them again, but right now I am happy to be home again."

"I am happy to have you back" Kevin said. "And as some kind of celebration, I might or might not have booked a table at our favourite restaurant. We would need to leave in an hour, though, but this is enough time for you to get ready, isn't it?"

"You did? Aww this is so good" Alyssa said. "Thank you. And yes, an hour is more than enough. I'll quickly take a shower and unpack and then I'm ready to go."

"Everything for my girl" Kevin said and kissed her once more. "I can't wait to sit down and catch up with you."

"Me neither."


"So, Kevin, what's new?" Alyssa wanted to know. They were already sitting in the restaurant, waiting for their food.

"Oh not much" Kevin replied. "We're going to New York next week and finished rehearsals just today. So I'll have some days off, except for the press days on Wednesday and Friday."

Alyssa's eyes lit up. "Really? You're leaving on Monday, right?" She wanted to know. "So we have a weekend to ourselves.

"We do." Kevin said happily. "And we're definitely going to do something special to seize the time we have."

Alyssa smiled at her boyfriend. "Thank you" she said. "I'm already looking forward to it."

"Me too" he said. "Ah and there's news about our Christmas get together."

"What is it? Did you finally decide where we're going to meet and how we will organise food and everything?" Alyssa wanted to know.

"No, not really" Kevin said, laughing. "But we have decided to do Secret Santa" Kevin stated.

"Secret Santa? Oh this is going to be fun" Alyssa said exciting.

"Yep. But we're doing it with a twist - we've already picked the names, because we're doing it couple-wise. So the two of us are going to get a present for another couple and so on and so forth" Kevin explained.

"Oh that sounds even more interesting" Alyssa said. "So, who did you pick for us?"

Kevin smirked. "Kirstie and Jeremy" he said. "And I do have an idea for them."

"Do tell me" Alyssa demanded. "Because I am not sure. Maybe we could get them something for their dogs?"

"I've thought exactly the same" Kevin said. "But then I thought further and I especially thought about getting them something special. Something just for themselves and not for the dogs. Because we all know that they love their two babies."

Alyssa chuckled. "You're not wrong" she said. "But what is it that you're planning to get them?"

"A voucher" he stated. "For a day at the beach. We will be taking care of the dogs and they will have a nice day out at the beach and a nice dinner we'll book for them. What do you think?"

"This is good" Alyssa said. "We could maybe get a nice beach bag, fill it with some necessities and then put the vouchers in there."

Kevin grinned. "Well, I had hoped that you'd come up with a good idea for this. I'd probably hand over a simple envelope with everything."

"I know you would. But that's where we complement each other so perfectly" Alyssa stated and leaned over the table for a soft kiss.

"We do" Kevin agreed. "And I love you for it."

"I love you, too, Kevin."

A Pentatonix Christmas |Advent Calendar Story 2016| Where stories live. Discover now