December 22nd

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After dinner the four couples stayed sitting at the table. They were chatting and just having a good time being with each other without having to work It was a rare occasion.

"So... does anyone want another glass of champagne?" Kevin offered.

"I do" Mitch said, "But then we should definitely go on to the living room. Kirstie looks like she is going to burst if we don't start giving out presents right now" Mitch commented, earning a glare from said best friend.

A few minutes later the group of friends had gathered in the living room. Kirstie was looking around excitedly. "Well I thought we could start with Secret Santa?"

"Yeah" Scott agreed. "But how do we do it so hat no one knows who bought which present?"

"Well we actually can't" Alex decided. "It just isn't feasible being only four pairs and in the end we'd find out anyway. So let's just give them away just like that?"

Kirstie pouted but she knew that Alex was right. "Okay... shall we start, Jeremy?" She almost jumped up to get her present and went over to Scott and Alex. Her husband had to hurry to keep up with her. "For the two of you from Jeremy and me."

Alex took the package and smiled at them. "Thank you." The usual hugging ensued before everyone sat back down to watch the couple unpack their present.

Alex did so and grinned when he saw the sweets and then broke out into laughter when he saw the book. Scott just shook his head.

"You really think we need that?" He wanted to know while holding the book up so the rest of their friends could see it as well.

Mitch shook his head. "Married. Death sentence or a chance for freedom?" He quoted. "This is ridiculous!"

"It is" Scott said as he picked the small envelope out of the box. "But I guess this isn't." He opened it and took out a voucher. "Oh my god, thank you" he quipped. "A candlelight dinner for the two of us. This is amazing, thank you."

"Well we thought if the book doesn't help, maybe a dinner and a lot of wine will" Kirstie joked.

"Certainly. Wine helps with everything" Alex retorted before standing up again. "So... we're up next, I guess and we have something as well." He got out the box and handed it to Mitch. "This is for you and Avi from Scott and me."

"Thank you!" Mitch took it and eyed it suspiciously before he untied the bow and opened it, watched closely by Avi. "Oh my god, this is awesome." He took out a set of different bath bombs and a voucher for a day at the spa.

"You both always talked about having a spa day, but never did. Now you kind of have to go" Scott explained.

"Yeah and we know how much you like these bath bombs" Alex added.

"We do. Thank you so much this is awesome" Mitch got up to hug both of them and so did Avi before they got their present for Kevin and Alyssa.

"Well... this is for you."

"Thank you" Kevin said and carefully unpacked the box which contained a few things for their cats and a voucher for a dinner.

"We recently found this place and it has the most authentic Chinese food I've ever head outside of China" Avi explained. "You'll love it."

"I do! This is awesome" Kevin said excited. "Thank you!"

Last but not least, Kirstie and Jeremy got their picknick basket from Kevin and Alyssa. They were excited as well to spend a day somewhere outside just with themselves.

"This is awesome. And you're going to take care of the puppies?" Kirstie wanted to know.

"Yeah, I mean we have to take care of the cats as well, but it will work out" Alyssa replied.

"Wow" Mitch concluded. "That was something else, I loved this. We should do this every year."

Scott nodded. "Yes, definitely. So... another round of wine?"

"No" Kirstie interrupted. "I still have to hand out one last present." She got up and pulled another box out of her bag and handed it to Jeremy. "This is for you my love."

Jeremy took the present and furrowed his brows. "But we'll celebrate on Christmas Eve?"

"I know, but... you'll understand. Please just open it" Kirstie said. She was wriggling in her spot when Jeremy untied the bow and opened the box. "A book? 1+1=3"

Mitch was the first to understand. He squeezed Avi's hand and squealed.

"Princess? What does that mean. Are you... are we?" Jeremy asked, sounding almost dumbfounded. "Are we having a baby?"

"Yes, we are" Kirstie said with tears in her eyes. "I am pregnant."


A Pentatonix Christmas |Advent Calendar Story 2016| Where stories live. Discover now