December 18th

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"Flight 5467 to LAX airport originally scheduled for 4.30 pm will unfortunately be delayed further. New departure time is 9.30 pm. We apologise for any inconvenience."

Kirstie rolled her eyes. Inconvenience. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry. Five hours delay. Five hours she could've spend at home with her dogs and Jeremy. And she had only three hours down.

Five hours she, however, had to spend at the an airport wasting time. Of course she had finished her book, she had already watched a few episodes of her latest favourite show, and it had been fun, but after five hours she didn't want to do any of this anymore. The rest of her band were scattered somewhere across the airport, doing something. Kirstie didn't mind, she was way too annoyed to be around people anyway.

She had just texted Jeremy once more and told him about the delay. He wasn't overly ecstatic, but he also knew that it wasn't Kirstie's fault. So being the good husband he was he texted her to stay strong and that he would be waiting for her no matter how long it would take her to get home.

"Hey, Kirstie. What's up?" Avi sat down next to her, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Nothing" she snapped at him. "I mean what should be up? We're delayed further and I hate it. I hate all of this so much right now. I just want to go home and be with Jeremy, Olaf and Pascal!"

Avi sighed softly when he felt the bad mood literally radiating from the blonde woman. "I know, I want to be back home as well. But well... that's just the way it is. We'll have to wait it out."

"But I don't wanna wait" Kirstie said. "We still have to wait for three hours and then fly for five more hours. We should've been at home at 7.30 LA time, but now it will be midnight." She almost whined.

"I know, Kirstie, but there's no sense in getting overly annoyed. We can change a thing about all this so we just have to wait" Avi replied. "Don't stress yourself out, dear."

"But I want to be annoyed right now" Kirstie said, sounding almost like a petulant child.

Avi sighed. "Chocolate?" He asked. "Coffee? Whatever will help you?"

Kirstin shrugged her shoulders. "Hot chocolate? With whipped cream? And a cookie?" She looked at Avi. "But you don't have to."

"I know that I don't have to" Avi replied. "But I want to. Wait for me."

She nodded. "Not going anywhere, except for when they offer me a ticket back to LA for an earlier flight" she attempted a joke.

Avi grinned at her. "Alright. But in that case there won't be hot chocolate or cookies for you." With these words he stood up and made his way over to the nearest Starbucks to get some beverages.

Once he made his way back to Kirstin with them, he was greeted by a bright smile. "Thank youuuu!" She squealed when he gave her the cup. "You're too good to me."

Avi smiled back at her and shook his head. "I only brought you hot chocolate and the cookie. That's about it."

"But that's just what I needed" Kirstie replied. "So thank you, Avi." She took the cup and a cookie from the box and took a bite. "Wow, I am feeling much better."

Avi shook his head in amusement, not fully able to grasp Kirstie's slightly weird behaviour. But he decided to just go with it, especially when she leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed softly. "I'm tired."

"Well, that's what hot chocolate does to you" Avi answered. But he didn't get an answer and when he looked down at Kirstie he saw that the young woman was already asleep. Avi shook his head fondly and then took one of his hoodies to spread it over the blonde in order to keep her warm. He carefully shifted to get more comfortable himself and then grabbed his book while Kirstie was fast asleep, cuddled up against him.


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