December 19th

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It was the day after Kevin got home from Nashville. He had just been out for his training, only for a few hours, but when he arrived back at his and Alyssa's place, he noticed immediately that something was different.

There was noise in the living room which he couldn't really place. Alyssa's hushed voice could be heard as well.

"Alyssa? Babe? I'm home" Kevin called.

"I'm in the living room, Kevin" she called back before softly whispering again.

Kevin furrowed his brows and entered the room, gasping at the scene before him. Alyssa was sitting on the floor and had one kitten on her lap and the other one on her arm.

"Surprise" she said with a slight smile on her face.

"Is this, are they..." Kevin stuttered. "Can... can I take one?"

Alyssa giggled in amusement. "Of course you can. They're ours now."

Kevin immediately got down next to his girlfriend and carefully took the little black and white kitten she handed him. "Wow... hello little friend" he whispered, pressed the little animal close to his chest and started to softly crawl its tiny head. He looked at Alyssa with disbelief still evident on his face. "What is this about?" He asked.

Alyssa smiled. "Well, you've always told me how much you wanted a kitten and well, so did I. And a few days ago I was at the animal shelter, only to look, not to actually get a cat. But then those two were brought there just as I was looking at them. And well... it was love at first sight for the three of us. I just couldn't resist and I hope that you're okay with it... I had wanted to talk to you but I had to make the decision right away" she explained.

"Okay with it?" Kevin asked. "Alyssa, you got us two kitten! Two adorable, sweet kitten. What is there not to be okay about. Actually I am ecstatic. They're perfect." He tried his best to keep his voice down because the little ball of fur that was resting against his chest had its eyes closed, it was purring and apparently asleep.

"Thank you!"

Alyssa grinned at him. "Well then think about them as an early Christmas surprise" she said. "I am happy that you like them."

"I do" Kevin replied. He looked down at the cat and then back up at his girlfriend. "You didn't introduce us to each other. How do we call those furballs?"

"Well, the one you're holding right now is called Crumble. He was the youngest and smallest of the litter hence the name. And this one right here is called Simba" Alyssa explained.

"Crumble and Simba..." Kevin replied and there was a broad smile on his face. "Wow! I am a father to two perfect little kitten. I cannot believe this!"

Alyssa giggled. "Well, when I decided to get them, I couldn't believe it either. And it was so hard to keep it a secret" she said. "But I don't have to anymore, thankfully."

Kevin grinned. "I believe you. It would've been hard to not show those little cuties to the whole world." He shook his head once more when Crumble moved slightly and stretched his tiny limbs. "How are you so beautiful? My little Crumble." He raised the kitten up to his face and pressed his lips to his head.

The kitten meowled at that and it sounded slightly protesting.

"He like to be held close and cuddled" Alyssa explained. "I think it has mainly to do with the body heat you're radiating."

Kevin smirked and held Crumble at his chest again. "Oh believe me, I won't do nothing else for the rest of the night except for cuddling this sweet little being, right, Crumble?" This time, Crumble meowed and it sounded like he was agreeing. The sound of it made Kevin smile even brighter.

And Alyssa smiled as well, happy that Kevin liked the surprise and that he loved Crumble that much already. She continued to pet Simba, who was purring inside her lap.

Later that day, Kevin was still carrying Crumble around for most of the time. He had actually taken a few pictures and short videos of the two kitten and posted them on to Twitter, to share his luck with the whole world.

He was happy.

And so were Crumble and Simba.


A Pentatonix Christmas |Advent Calendar Story 2016| Where stories live. Discover now