A nerd

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Hi guys! This is my first ever story so please bear with me..
Errors will be corrected when I edit it.. thanks.. <3
Dedicated to my workmate, sab (putot).

A picture of Isabel up there!

Chapter I

"That will be your new house, fully furnished, and all your papers, IDs, passport, bankbook and credit card are on the table. All the money you asked is in the bank under your name and cannot be traced back to me. You have been enrolled at the Sun valley high as a freshman and all the details you wanted are complied and there is a copy of it in the envelope. Your car is already in the garage. If you need anything else you know how to contact me."
With that I ended the call without saying anything. I entered the house, my new home, and went straight to my bedroom to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of call me maybe from the house next to mine. I looked at my side clock and found out it was 6 am, definitely not middle of the night. I got out of my comfortable bed and walked to the bathroom. I'm a bathfreak, if that's even a word, i take bath everyday and brush my teeth thrice a day. I did my daily routines for this place which includes dressing in baggy pants and over-sized blouse which could probably belong to a grandma, since my other clothes were left in the orphanage, not that I have much anyway. I put on rush makeup, badly braided my long brown hair and wore a pair of round eyeglasses. In short, i was dressed like a nerd, or at least in school I kinda am.

I not really ugly or anything. I have dark brown hair, almost black, light brown eyes and a perfect face. My body is what you could call a sports illustrated magazine cover girl kind of sexy. I'm hot, I'm well aware of it. Even if I dont do diets I just sweat it off at the gym or when I work out. So why do I dress up like a nerd at school? Easy! I don't like the attention.

This is just me, Maria Isabel House, 17, an orphan and a runaway. I ran away from the orphanage that I was in and met the man who gave me everything I have now. Why? Because I saved him from his death.

I went to the kitchen and took a granola bar, not my kind of breakfast but i can't be late for school. I locked the front door and went into the garage i got into my black Honda civic and drove to school. My new school, Sun Valley high, is a 40 minute drive from my place. It's a public high school located in the far and peaceful town of Normal, and perfect for a runaway to hide.

I arrived in school and was looking for a parking space when I saw one but it's loaded with people, like they are surrounding something. I didn't push my luck and looked somewhere further and parked away from the main door. As I was walking, i saw that the 'something' they were looking at was actually someone. A golden-haired guy that seemed to be telling a story and everyone was earnestly listening to him. Just looking closely at the group of people there,  I know they are the popular group. There are varsity players as they were wearing their varsity jackets and cheerleaders wearing their skimpy skirts. The kind of group I must steer clear from as they always are in the spotlight and the talk of the school.

I want inside and tried to look for the principal's office which is a huge problem because i suffer a disorder called directionally challenged. I looked around me and intentionally bumped a sweet looking girl. She has red hair and green eyes. I said intentionally but to others it may seem accidental. I dropped my things and went down to pick them, with the sweet looking girl helping me.

"I-im so s-sorry!" i stuttered just for the nerdy effect.

She laughed and said "it's okay."

I looked at her and smiled shyly.

"Are you new here?" She asked.

"Yes, i am" i replied, "can you please tell me the way to the office?"

"Sure" she looked at me and shrugged," I'll walk you there."

"Thanks, im Maria Isabel House by the way but you can call me Isa."

"Im Andrea Versailles, but you can call me Rae. So you're new here huh?"


"From where are you?"

"Im from Golden State."

"Golden State, must be nice. I heard they blah blah blah" Rae talked about the things she heard about GS while i listened and commented until we arrived at the office. I got in and got my class schedule from the nice mannered fat lady and went out.

"So? What's your schedule? Maybe we have a class together?"Rae asked when i got out.

"Here, take a look" i replied handing her the schedule.

"This is great! We have all classes together!" She squealed
obviously happy. "I know we'll get along and become great friends!"

"Thank you. I didn't know someone would want to be friends with a nerd like me!" I replied honestly.

"Oh hush! You're just the same as me, only smarter."
We both laughed.

"But that's not the best thing you know" she looked at me and smiled widely, " im in the most classes with the boys!"

"Boys?" I asked not getting what she meant.

"Not boys" she snorted, " the boys! You know? The school's hottest? The most sought after boys in the area?"

"To be honest, Im not really fond of boys, im rather scared of them." I said as I want to steer away from famous people.

"Oh puhlease! They are every girl's dream boys! You'll see. We have our first period with two of them!" She said excitedly.

We went to our first period classroom and sat beside Rae which was the seat beside the window. She kept talking to me about 'the boys' and I pretended to listened to her. Then two boys came in, the golden-haired blue-eyed boy from earlier and a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. Everyone stopped what they were doing, even Rae stopped talking, and looked at them. Ookay.. this is weird. I thought.

Boys?! I have a bad feeling about this..

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