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Chapter 18

"It's because of you again."

Everyone there turned their heads towards where he was looking and I did the same thing too. I looked behind me while walking slowly away from his line of sight. The others were trying to figure out who he meant.

I slipped inside the house to find the culprit who did that to Brandon. The living room was packed with people who were crowding on something, or someone. I squeezed my between the people, which was really annoying because I was only wearing bikinis. Reaching the middle of the room, I could see Xander being held on the collar of his shirt by none other than Tres.

So he's the reason why Brandon's pissed at me again.


"Francis." I called out to Tres who turned his head to look at me. He let go of his hold on Xander's collar. Everybody looked at me and you could hear the audible gasps and "woahs" everywhere.

"What's happening here? Why are you here? I thought you went home?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"I came back to give you you're phone which you left in the car." he answered casually.

"So why did Brandon flew out and you were holding Xander like you were about to kill him?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything, I swear. I just came in and tried asking people here if they've seen you." he started. "Then this guy," he pointed at Xander, "And that guy," he pointed at Brandon who was a few people behind me, " suddenly tried to kick me out. I have absolutely no Idea why." he shrugged.

"Why would you do that?" I asked Xander who was looking down with his hand clenched on his side.

"Anyway, I just came here to give you this." Tres handed me my phone. "I'm going home since I'm not a fan of parties and stuff. Just text me when you're ready to go home, okay?"

" 'kay." I answered and he turned his back at me. The crowd gave way as he walked to the door.


I walked to Xander who was still looking down and I grabbed his chin to get a closer look at him. I knew it! His lip was cut and bleeding.  He has a bruise on his left cheek and a black eye was forming on his left eye. Did they really think they could take down Tres?

I looked around and saw Airon in the crowd.

"Where's your first aid kit?" I asked him.

"In my parents bathroom, second room to the right, upstairs." he answered.

"Thanks." I replied and dragged Xander upstairs. By his chin. He did not even tried to fight me and just let me drag him upstairs. Brandon followed us with a scowl on his face, but did not say anything.

When we reached the room, I made Xander sit on the toilet and I took the first aid kit on the cabenet. Brandon sat on the edge of the bath tub looking at me.


"Why the hell did you do that?" I broke the silence between the three of us.

I had my back on both of them while I soaked towels in hot water. I took one and gave it to Brandon so he can clean his face. I took one and looked at Xander. I grabbed his chin and mde him look at me. None of them spoke. I started cleaning Xander's bloodied face and gave each of them a towel which I soaked in cold water.

"Did you seriously think you could beat Francis in a fight?" I asked again and raised my eyebrow at them.

Xander just "tsked" and Brandon stood up to look at his face in the mirror. Then his forehead creased as he looked at me.

"I have never lost a fist fight before," he said," that was the first time."

"Why the hell did you even fight him? What did he do to make you kick him out?" I asked annoyed. I was pissed at them but I also pity them for what happened to them.

"He just did not belong there." Brandon answered looking stright at me. I was standing beside Xander who was still quiet.

"He just wanted to return my phone." I answered while closing my eyes and pinching my nose bridge. I think I'm having a headache because of them.

"I didn't think he'd be that strong," Brandon said thoughtfully, "and there was two of us against him."

"My brother is a Muay Thai master. Of course you punks wouldn't be able to beat him." I said while doing a face palm.

"Wait." Xander suddenly grabbed my hand and I looked at him.


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