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Chapter VI

It was lunch and I was seated in a Table for six with Rae and Jonjo when a tray with a plate of chicken fingers and fries landed in front of me. I looked up to see a smirking Xander standing beside me. I raised my eyebrow at him questioningly.

"What do you want Xander?" I asked.

"Move over." he replied.

"What?" I asked but I still moved, "Why?"

"I'm sitting beside my girl of course."he replied nonchalantly.

"What?!" I asked. Shocked was an understatement. I looked at him and waited to hear him laugh but he just sat beside me like it's the most normal thing to do. Like--like we've been friends for a long time.

"Is 'what' the only thing you can ask?" he chuckled. "I thought it was Brandon who can't make sentences?" At the mention of his name, Brandon appeared with his tray of food and sat beside Xander. Everyone in the cafeteria stopped and stared at us trying to absorb what Xander just said.

"Y - your girl?!" Rae stuttered as she repeated what Xander just said. "Who did you just said was your girl?"

"Isabel." Xander answered pointing at me.

"Excuse me?" I said, "I am not and will never be your girl." I glared at him.

"Not yet, but you will be begging me soon." he answered confidently and started eating.

"How can you be so confident?"I asked raising an eyebrow as I looked at him. "Why would you want me anyway? There are a lot of girls willing to throw themselves at you if given the chance."

"But they're not you." he smirked clearly amused. "They don't excite me. They don't have the will to talk back."

"Because you look scary ." I answered.

"Don't I scare you?" He asked.

"Nope." I said popping the 'P'.

He did not even finish half of his food when leaned back, he faced me. "I can easily take them if I wanted, unlike you, even if I don't even ask."

"Right." was all I could say because he was right. The girls swoon over him, lusted over him,want him.

Xander chuckled at my loss for a smartass comeback. "I can't really blame them." he said. "Just look at me." He gestured at himself with his hand and I rolled my eyes.

"Puh-lease! I can find that anywhere." I said mocking a laugh. Jonjo, Rae and Brandon chuckled at that. I can say that they were entertained by our little exchange of information.

"Right." Xander said rolling his eyes then smiled at me. " Like you can find someone with charms like me anywhere!"

"I'm pretty sure Tres has it better than you do." I said nodding to myself in agreement.

"Who the fuck is Tres?" Xander asked clearly pissed.

"Someone I know." I answered flatly.

"Well, I won't believe you until I see him for myself." He shrugged, "Who knows you're just making up stories."

"Believe anything you want, if that's what makes you sleep better at night." I replied, shrugging like he did.

"Whatever." He said dismissively, "Going back to the reasons why I choose you over the others."

I rolled my eyes at him again but still he continued on, "They are not witty, unlike you, they are boring to talk with."

"Then talk with a nerd." I answered again before drinking my soda."They are witty and have a lot in their brains to talk about though I doubt that you'd want to talk about anything intellectual."

"You are a nerd." He said looking at me confused.

"I'm not." I half whispered.

"Yes, you are." It was Brandon that answered me.

I looked at him, more like glared at him, willing that his head blow to pieces."But-"

"He always gets what he wants you know." Brandon cut me before I could argue. " It would be best to just give him what he wants, we all know you want him already." He looked at me like he realized something."Or you're intentionally doing it to keep his attention all to yourself? A game well played on your part but can you just end it already? I'm bored and appalled by all this. "

"I don't care! You can die of boredom and hatred for me but I am not and will never be his!" I hissed. I stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria. I needed some air and a quiet place to cool my head so I went to the back garden. It was a quiet place with trees, more like a mini forest  than a garden actually, since not many people come here. I looked for a place that's not near the way so no one would easily find me. I found a place under a tree so I slumped down, put on my earphones and listened to Linkin Park's Numb. It's not a very girly song but I really like the lyrics of most of their songs, not all about love but of other feelings, so humanly real.

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