Welcome to the Family

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Kenyanna POV:

I was sound asleep in my bed when I felt my door open. You ever been sleep, but not really sleep and can just feel somebody's presence around you? Yea that was me at the moment. I felt the person just standing there watching me, but i wanted to see what they were going to do so I just stayed "asleep".

"Kenyanna! Kenyanna!" The figure standing over me spoke.

I knew that voice from anywhere. That was my dad lol. I woke up and yawned, scratching my head, and looking towards him. "What's up pops?"

"Get up and get dressed. Your mother is in the hospital!" He rushed out my room.

My mother has been sick for the past couple of months. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and recently went through a double mastectomy. She's a pretty stubborn woman so when we tried to make her stay home, she just wanted to go to work. My parents had me at 57 which made things even worse you can say.

I got up and started for my bathroom where I already had an extra pair of clothes left out. I slipped on my Black nike sweatpants and a green shirt and was headed out the door. On my way downstairs I was greeted by nobody other than my big headed ass brother, who was eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hi there baby sister" Ethan said with a huge smile on his face while digging his spoon into the bowl. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Oh dad already left. He said that I can drive us to the hospital so I hope you ate because I'm not stopping for food"

"Nigga it's 2:00 in the morning. I just went to sleep a couple of hours ago! And yo-" I just stopped talking when he had that look on his face, meaning he doesn't care.

"I'm glad you got the picture now go get in the car. I'm on my way"

I got my house keys and went out towards his 2017 Nissan Maxima. The car was so nice and I found it so unfair how he got his car before he graduated. The rule was everybody gets their own car after they graduate but noooo 'Ethan is an athlete. He needs his own transportation', 'Ethan worked hard for it', 'Ethan is all this and that. Man fuck Ethan. This dude finally came out the house 20 minutes later eating a breakfast biscuit and drinking some orange juice.

"Really Ethan?" was all I said with the nastiest stank face. The ride to the hospital felt so long because it was so quiet. Mom has had emergency trips to the hospital before, but this one just felt different. Like something was going to happen. I was pulled out of my negative thoughts when I seen the hospital door entrance.

"I'll go park. You get out right here." I just got out as Ethan pulled off really fast out of the entire parking lot. Wow. This is what you do to the woman who gave birth to you? I rolled my eyes mentally.

I walked inside the hospital to be greeted by my three other older siblings and two of my aunts. I ran to them as I seen they all seemed to be crying.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked getting nervous

"We have to choose rather to let her die or let her live" my eldest sister Cheryl spoke. She looked a hot mess. Like she been on drugs all her life.

"Where's dad? Doesn't he have to choose?"

"Duh he has to choose Ken! You think this is easy for him huh!? You think he can just choose like THIS huh!?" My older brother Odell fussed. I looked at him and looked down. He had always been my favorite sibling, he usually never screamed at me. I guess the situation was getting the best of everybody.

"Aunt Pat, can I go see my mom?" I asked my aunt who was my mother's sister.

"Awww baby. I don't think you wanna see her like that. Rose, rose, she's really sick this time ken. And I- I- just" she broke down. I took a deep breathe and asked the front desk for her room number. They told me and I went on my way.

"Hey mother!" I smiled as I walked through the room only to see her hooked up to about a million machines and barely breathing. Her eyes were open and she was just humming.

"Hey ken. You look beautiful baby" she gave me a weak smile. I walked over to her with tears filling my eyes. I have NEVER seen her in this condition.

"But I don't even have on my makeup right now." I tried to laugh but cracked.

"Oh baby when will you realize you don't need makeup to feel beautiful?" She touched my face. "I love you and your brothers and sisters very much. I don't want any of you crying or passing out at my funeral okay? I want everybody wearing pink and smiling". Pink was her favorite color.

"Oh ma I will make sure of that. If anybody will listen to me that is". Nobody ever paid me any attention. My parents really spoiled me and my siblings didn't like that so I always felt unappreciated.

"You make them listen. Don't you ever feel like they don't love you Kenyanna. And if they don't, I love you. You have something heavy on your heart and I don't know what it is, but I hope you let it go." I quickly looked up at her. How did she know? She couldn't know.

"What are you-" she cut me off

"And I know about all those little boys you were sneaking into my house? And if you think sex will ease your hurt, you're sadly mistaking. All that is just gonna lead to STD's and hurt." She looked me right into my eyes.

"I'm sorry mother. I never meant for you to find out. And I didn't mean to disrespect you nor pops! I just-I-I" I broke down crying, nose snotty, can't catch my breathe.

My aunt Katherine walked in who was my dads sister. I guess she heard me down the hall. My mother held up her hand saying wait.

"I forgive you. Now you have to forgive yourself and you know who okay?" She raised my chin up and kissed me softly on my cheek. She took a deep breathe. "Leave." She barely spoke but i did as she wished. I was just about to walk out, but I doubled back when I heard the machine give a long beep and seen one tear go down her face.

I walked out the room, and went back to the waiting room. I looked at my family and nodded my head assuming they already knew. They just threw their heads back. My dad finally came from wherever he was and seen me. I immediately ran to him

"Is it too late to choose?" He asked. All I could do was nod before collapsing in his arms.

He patted my back, and didn't shed a tear. My father was too strong to show emotions in front of us. But we had to be strong too so i pulled myself together. I instantly called Ethan.

"She's gone Ethan" I hurriedly said soon as he answered.

"........... She ain't coming back huh ken?"  Was all he said after that long pause. I bit my lip trying to hold back.

"No Ethan. She's never coming back" I cried more. "We ain't gon never see our momma again" I bit my knuckle walking outside the hospitals doors and hung up.

This has to be the worse day of my life

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