Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Three weeks passed after the problem they had. It took them two days to get the whole thing back the way it was, which included Roan doing some painting as most of the walls had been scratched.

She had done many more missions as the Girl in the Mask and everyone was scared. She was in the 'Discover Times' paper every day. The plan was working, by now the three must know of her and now all she needed to do was go out there, find them and get them to trust her. She was three days away. Everyday, except when doing missions, she was training with her uncle. He loved the element of surprise and that was what he taught her most. She was fitter after her weeks with him and also stronger mentally, not just physically. She loved her private lessons and would miss them when she was gone.

"Roan come on we need to get going for another mission!" Stella shouted up the stairs.

"I'm coming!" Roan yelled back and she hopped to the door while trying to do up her boots. She ran down the stairs and was out of the front door in seconds. She had completely forgotten about teaching herself her powers, she did everything the human way, which was a slight weakness. She climbed into the car and Stella drove off. As always Roan just stared out of the window and fiddled with her mask. She was sucking on an imperial mint and slightly swaying to the music playing. Stella was humming along and Roan just listened. Her Auntie had a really lovely voice when she sang, so her humming tended to be in tune. Roan looked out of the window and watched the world whip by hoping she would get good victims today. She was going to be in for a surprise. They stopped about half an hour away when Roan first saw her targets. Four hunters against two Breathing Spirits, in her eyes, this would be fun!

They had stopped in a small quiet vicarage where a wooded area lay just beyond it. Roan strapped a small tracker to her wrist so she could find her victims and set off running through the quiet streets. It wasn't long before she came to the woods. She leapt over the fence and noticed where the hover boards had been flying as the grass was flat. She followed it, still running like the wind. She looked down at her tracker and the Spirits had split up, she followed the one leading more to the right and kept sprinting. They finally came into view and as she came up to them faster and faster she watched as the Breathing Spirit tripped and fell. It was a boy that had fallen, she could tell from the slight moan. The two hunters smiled and one of them grabbed him and shoved him against a tree. His hood fell down and Roan froze in surprise. It was Liam. She didn't know what to do, so she slung up her hood and made sure her mask was on tight. She leapt onto the back of the Hunter and pulled her down. They rolled on the floor before Roan managed to sit on her and she used the girls knife to torment.

"Let the boy go." Roan said, trying to sound harsher so Liam would recognise her voice. "And I will let the girl go."

"What's stopping me from killing the boy and killing you too?" He asked.

"Because I will kill both of you if you do." She said to the man. He growled and roan smiled, knowing he had no choice. He let Liam go.

"Run, find your partner and run." Roan said. Liam nodded and before he left, he punched the man straight in the nose. Blood trickled out and landed in his lip. The man swiped out and Roan kept the woman pinned down, but was struggling to stay seated. "You idiot, I said run not punch him in the face!" Roan shouted. Roan knew what had to be done, she chucked the knife and it hit the man square in the back. She used her anger to make the body burst in a shower of silver dust.

The woman screamed from underneath Roan and Liam just stared at her.

"Now go, before I kill you too." Roan snapped. Liam took the hint and raced off as fast as he could. Roan also broke the knife and looked at the woman. "Go." She growled. The woman grabbed her hover board and was gone. When Roan knew she was alone, she yanked down her hood and tugged off the mask and lay on the grass. She listened to the leaves rustle in the trees as she got her breath back.

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