Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Hazel came running down the stairs in a red and black dress. It ended above her knee and the floating skirt was black and attached to a red band that went across her chest. It had no straps, but where the skirt was a attached was a little pattern making the red look less plain. She was wearing, as always, very high heels in just plain red and they shone in the light of the hallway as she went into the ballroom.

"You look great." Jake complimented.

"I would say the same for you, if you knew how to do a tie properly." She said. Jake rolled his eyes as she did it up properly for him. She pulled on his blazer and lightly tapped his chest when she was done.

"Now you look great." She said.

"Never knew you cared." Jake said. She stuck her tongue out at him as Darren walked in.

"Gorgeous." He said. Hazel smiled, blushing slightly.

"Thank you. Don't look too bad yourself." She said. Darren played with his tie and then put his hand back at his side.

"Well, it's not my normal choice of clothing. It would usually be jeans." He said. "But Liam said it wasn't an option."

"This is when he turns up in a hoodie." Jake said. They then made sure that everything was in order and they all waited for the guests to arrive.

Liam flew down the stairs and charged through the dining room door looking for the lists Roan had wrote up. He picked them up and put them on a wooden chair by the door, so he knew they were safe. As he put them down and looked up the stairs, Roan was walking down, looking particularly stunning. She was wearing the burgundy dress with the shoes and looked very beautiful.

"Wow." He said as she came up to him. "I'll be making sure no one steals you for a moment tonight. I might never get you back."

Roan laughed and put her arms round his neck.

"You look nice too." She said. He shrugged.

"Why thank you!" He said. She giggled and she jumped a foot in the air as a banging came from the front door.

"First guests." She said. He rolled his eyes and shouted Lewis, who was already on the landing heading down. Harold opened the door and a man and a women stepped in. Roan stepped forward with her clipboard and took their invitations and ticked them off the list. Lewis and Liam greeted them and they went into the ballroom.

"I'll see you later." Liam said kissing her cheek from behind her. She nodded and watched him disappear behind the door. She didn't have to wait long before someone appeared in the hall. She took his name and ticked him off and let him go in. After that lots of people began to arrive and there was a queue out the door. The people that appeared in the hall where showed in first by Harold, so Roan was left at the front door.

After about half an hour the last stragglers were arriving. This included the George Meat and his hench men.

"And you are." She asked him.

"George Meat, James Barker, Thomas Harrison. Kyle Red, Ashley Walker and Taylor Reed." George said.

"Please can I have you invites?" Roan asked them politely.

"We are from the Breathing Spirit Government, we don't need our invites to get in. Everyone knows who we are." George sighed.

"Sorry sir, but I don't. I apologise, but I can't let you in without an invite. The safety of the three is very important, I hope you agree."

"Miss...whoever you are, I suggest you let me through or I'll... "

"Do what? Tell me to stop following my instructions. I don't like breaking rules Mr Meat, so if you would just wait here, I will find Mr Braven and you will speak to him." She said. "Harold keep an eye on them please." She ordered. The butler nodded as she went into the ballroom. It was warm in there, music played and people talked and laughed. It really was quite a party. She pushed her way through the people to try and find Lewis when someone grabbed her wrist. She turned her head sharply to face a boy in his late teens, like herself, looking at her. He was good looking with slick blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

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