Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

More and more people were getting injured and Roan couldn't see her parents. She was worried and tired and wanted to cry, but she couldn't show weakness. Not now. She bared her teeth and snarled and her fangs glistened in the night and the guard jumped back in fright and she struck. He disappeared in front of her eyes and she moved onto her next kill. What she didn't know that George was behind her, waiting for his prey. Roan was moving forwards and not looking behind her. George crept up on her, dodging people and he took a knife from his belt and threw it. It spun threw the air so quickly, but she didn't see it. However, it didn't hit Roan. It hit Liam. Roan turned around after killing her opponent and she didn't have time to look at Liam, before George was onto her with his sword. She took a swing at him, but missed and he caught her thigh. She cried out in pain and took her second swing. She was in too much pain and couldn't concentrate. She fell to the ground knowing it was the end.

"This will teach you to go against what we were created for." He shouted. Roan shut her eyes as the dust of George's dead body came falling down on top of her. Hazel looked down on her.

"Get Liam home!" She shouted. Roan nodded and clambered to her feet. She helped Liam up, who was barely conscious and clicked her fingers. She appeared at the tube and helped Liam inside it. She held him up as they shot off to home.

She carried him up stairs and shouted for help, before she too collapsed on the stairs form loss of blood. Rupert and Harold came towards her and she completely passed out.

When Roan woke Jake was dabbing her head with a cold cloth. She reached for her thigh and there was a tear in her trousers, but the wound had gone.

"How long have I been out?" She asked.

"A couple of hours. The fight is still going." Jake answered.

"My parents?" She asked. "Drew?"

"Haven't seen them. I'm sure they'll be fine." Jake said. Roan sat up and tried to get off the sofa.

"Roan stay down! You are too weak." Harold said

"I'm fine, I need to get them!" Roan insisted.

"Roan have you see yourself, your as pale as a sheet!" Rupert said. Roan lay back down.

"I will send Darren a message telling everyone to retreat. We got everyone out and that's the main thing, but people are getting really hurt and lots have died." Jake said. Roan nodded and Jake disappeared off to give Darren a message through telepathy. Roan looked over at Rupert who was sorting out Liam. He wasn't awake and he was breathing very slowly.

"How is he?" She asked.

"Not good." Rupert said honestly wiping his brow. "What happened to him?"

"He saved my life." She said tears coming to her eyes. "George threw a knife to kill me and Liam jumped in the way. He could die because of me!" she cried.

"Roan it wasn't your fault, it was his choice and he wont die, because we wont let that happen." Harold said. Roan nodded and Jake came back in.

"I sent him the message and it took him a while to reply, but he is spreading the word, they may find it difficult to get out." Jake said.

"We tried are best and we got them out." Roan said.

"Are you going to forgive him then?" Jake asked nodding towards Liam.

"I forgave him as soon as I saw my parents. He just never knew." She said looking at Liam. Jake smiled.

"That might just save him Roan. He has something to fight for." Jake said. Roan smiled and shut her eyes. She didn't want to speak, just sleep, so they let her.

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