Before the Meeting

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I'm laying on the cold stone floor while I feel tears coming down my cheeks. This is the second time today he's hit me the first was because I didn't say sir before addressing him. It has been like this since the day I said "I do" at the alter this was two years ago. I thought he was the love of my life in college, but that change drastically when he showed his true colors.

I flinched when I felt a hand on me "Lux sweetie it's just me he left don't worry come on let's get you cleaned" I breathed out. It was just Lucinda the housekeeper she was always so sweet to me. I let her help me and clean off the blood "Honey you need to get out of here I can't see you like this anymore" I slowly nodded because it hurt to much to talk.

She left for what felt like and eternity and came back with a backpack full of my money that I had her keep for emergency. Lucinda looked at my swollen eye and busted lip "Honey you need to leave go somewhere far away from here" I didn't want to leave her, but I knew I had too.

I left everything I had at that god forsaken house the only thing I took was my necklace that mother gave me before she passed away. I ran, ran as far as my legs could take me I bought a plane ticket in cash of course couldn't have someone trace it back to me. I thought of where to go that would be far away from him, but there was nowhere he would always be close by. Then I thought Alaska couldn't hurt right its far as hell from Miami so Alaska it is.

I fell asleep on the plane I was so exhausted from everything I still can't believing I just left my husband. I made sure before I left the house to cover all the bruises and cuts I didn't want  people to know. Throughout the whole plane ride my only thoughts were I'm finally free. Free to do what I want, but did I want to do I haven't lifted a finger in two years. He kept me from doing what I wanted to do kept me from making my own choices, but not anymore I broke away from him for good.

Once the plane landed I was out my seat ready to start my life anew.


Lux Winters finally had enough courage to break away from her ugly past and now wants to start a better future for her self. She knew deep down she was still afraid, afraid of being independent  afraid of being alone. Something inside her kept pushing her to keep going to keep fighting and that's what she's doing fighting to live her own damn life as she please.


Hello my Little Shifterines this if your girl Captain Shifter reporting for duty. I just wanted to inform you all that this is my first book that I am publishing. I would greatly appreciate it if you would all follow and vote+comment on my book. Another thing was I will try and update every Sunday,Wednesday,Friday and sometimes on Saturday so see you all later bye My Babies kisses for all of you.  

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