What's Happened?

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"That vacation will never be forgotten between us because we found out that she was..."

"Jezebel enough, nobody needs to know that right now."

Why not? Why shouldn't I know about any of this?

I suddenly hunched over from the excruciating pain I felt near my heart. I clutched my chest hoping the pain would go as quickly as it came.

"Uncle are you okay?"

The pain settled but it left me out of breath. I sucked up as much oxygen my lungs could hold.

"I'm fine now but something has happened to Lux. I must go now and check up on her."

I tried getting up but stumbled, falling to the floor.


"I hate to say this Uncle but you can't drive in this condition. Sleep here and you can go home tomorrow."

They didn't get it I can't just sit here knowing Lux is hurting.

"You don't understand she's my pup I need to make sure she's okay. I need to see her right now."

'Joseph has something happened with Lux?'

No response.

Something must have happened while I was away.

"Uncle she's not your pup she's just a girl you've been taking care of."

Somewhere inside of me snapped.

"Don't you ever say that again! She's my pup by blood we've done the blood ritual."

Why couldn't they understand that she was my pup? I care for her like I cared for them.

"I'm sorry Uncle I didn't know. Would you like me to drive you back?"

"If you wouldn't mind Dastein I would appreciate it. Would you both like to tag along on the road trip?"

They had huge smiles on their faces. So I'm going to take that as a yes.

"You might as well pack some clothes. I guess she won't be coming here for a while. Well Sigmund thank you for your time but we must be off I have to check on my dear pup."

Dastein helped me to my feet before letting go so he could open the door for me.

Walking past him I whispered.

"Don't think I forgot what happened in there one way or another I will find out."

He nodded his head.

I braced myself when we stepped outside. An Alpha never shows weakness in front of another pack they might see that as a quick take out.

"Go hurry and pack I'll be waiting in the car."

They ran to their cabins talking wildly about what they were going to do once we get there.

I walked to my car and grabbed my phone from the cup holder, dialed Joseph's number.




Damn it Joseph answer your damn phone. Out of all times you answer you decided this time you wont. Watch when I get home your ass is mine.

Lost in thought about how many ways of beating his ass, I didn't notice that all three were waiting for me to open the trunk.

"Sorry, lost in thought."

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