The truth comes out

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I woke up the next morning feeling terrible I couldn't really sleep last night. Every time I closed my eyes I would see him I replay the same dream over and over again. Will I never be able to escape from him?

Will he always be my nightmare?

All of these questions and not enough answers. When I knew I couldn't delay anymore I got up and changed into some workout clothes and my shoes.

I walked downstairs only to be stopped by a stranger.

He had long black hair these forest green eyes that told you 'Don't fuck with me or else' kind. I stood there waiting for him to say something or move out of my way.

Nothing happened I drew up a breath "May I help you with something Sir?"

He didn't move or say anything. What the hell was wrong with this guy I so did not need this today. "Excuse me, but you're in my way so could you please move?" I said politely to him.

His only answer was a beat of an eyelash I tried to move passed which only helped me to collide with his chest.

That's it "Zorin! Come here now!" In a flash Zorin was beside me damn I'm going to have to get use to that. He stepped in front of me blocking the guys gaze to me.

"What's going on here Leon what are you doing to Lux?" So he knew the stranger named Leon.

"I was just looking her over. She couldn't be the one Zorin look at her she's that..." What the hell he didn't even know me.

My anger spiked drastically these past few days my emotions have been everywhere.

I stepped to the side "Listen here jerk you don't know me and I don't know you. So here's the deal you stay the hell away from me and I'll definitely stay the hell away from you. Do we have a deal stranger?" I spit venomously at him.

He had the audacity to laugh at me "No can do sunshine Alpha said I needed to be with you at all times."

I looked at him questionably "Why would you need to be with me?" He gave me 'Are you serious look' "I'm your personal guard Little girl." Little? I'll show you what little can do.

Before I could voice out what I wanted a voice hollered out. "Zorin could you wake up Lux she needs to eat before her training?"

I shook my head "Fine I can live with a guard, but if you over step I will crush you got it?"

He nodded and smirked at me "Come on Princess let's get you food and go start your training."

"Don't call me that" I sneered at him. I looked at Zorin and held out my hand "I'm sorry about yesterday Zorin I really didn't mean to scare everyone."

He grabbed my hand with his. His hand was much bigger then mine and engulfed it with his.

"Hey it's okay I know you didn't do it on purpose next time don't do that. Ambrose was really worried about you we all were."

I nodded my head "I won't I promise to do better." He pulled me closer to him "Come on let's go eat I can't wait to start your training."

He smiled mischievously at me "I know you do this time I won't wander off." I looked at him "I know you because sweet Leon here is going with you on your run."

"No he's not I won't stand for it!" he only smiled at me. This was so not happened I will not have a baby sitter damnit no I'm grown for heavens sake.

Twenty-three years old I do not need a baby sitter I get I need a guard just not a baby sitter please.

We walked into the kitchen to be met with the most amazing smell in the whole universe. Coffee. It smelled just like the diner I could smell it all day if I could.

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