Mr.Blue Eyes (Her side of the story)

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I had a really weird dream ** I was in the middle of a forest when I heard rustling in the bushes behind me. I turned and was faced me those electric blue eye's, but this time it was a wolf. This wolf was so familiar he looked like someone I knew, but that had to be a mistake right? While watching him I seen more come out of the bushes the thing that was so strange was I didn't feel threaten or even in danger of being close to these big ass wolves.

The wolf that was all too familiar stepped up you could tell who was the big bad boss around here and it was him. Him alone demanded respect and your submission, but he was going to learn fast that I wasn't going to be that scared little girl anymore. Yes the past will always haunt me, but I am fighting to get over it and he was about to find out my submission is no one's anymore. He walked up to me slowly as if to see if I would run in which I didn't of course he sniffed at me and growled lowly. What the hell why is he growling at me for no god damn reason just watch wolfie your hind is going to be mine.

I walked up to him and squatted down so I was face to face with him. Yes I know I'm crazy as hell to do this to be face to face with a wolf that was 10 times bigger than. His fur was so beautiful I held out my hand as if to touch him which only made him growl more fierce. He barred him fangs at me warning me to stop there, but curiosity pulled forward and left fear in the dirt. My hand pushed forward until it was at his muzzle I tipped my finger and touched his wet nose.

I laughed which seemed to startle him he jumped back I laughed more. "You do know that you have a very wet nose right." He cocked his head to the side which caused me to smile more "Come here" while I said that I didn't see the wolf behind me he prowled and was ready to jump me, but the Black wolf growled loud and jumped in front of me.

The wolves around me started to press forward as if to protect me from the Red wolf that looked pissed off. I tried to remember what I learned in college about wolves I knew there was a hierarchy in their species. Its on the tip of my tongue... I got he was the Alpha dang all those years of studying animals finally paid off. So if he was the Alpha then this was his pack wait wait wait let me get this straight so I'm in a forest alone with wolves what the hell is happening to me.

Before I could think more of it I felt a bump on my right side I looked down to see him the Alpha. I put my hand on his scruff and scratched you could hear the purr that came from him. "Is this real or am I dreaming wolf?" He yipped out which caused me to laugh once again and that's when I felt it this pull telling me to follow it no matter what.

Everything started to swirl out of place, but before everyone went blank I seen the wolf shift into... Ambrose?

My eye's fluttered open, but I closed right after the lights hurt my eye's so I had to look away. When they finally adjusted to the lighting me turned to see... Is that a wolf? Why is there a wolf in my bed? Wait a bed I looked around to find out I wasn't in my hotel room where the hell was I? I started to hyperventilate why was I here? I looked towards the door remembering HIM what he did to me. All I could think about was what if the wolf heard me and got up "Lux just breathe the big wolf won't hurt you if you don't move. Come on that's it just breathe and stay as calm as you can be."

I felt the bed move I looked up and see the wolf right in front of me. I did the only thing you would do in the situation scream "Please don't hurt me just stay there while I get up." By then I was trying to get up, but hissed in the process I heard a growl come from him I turned towards him.

He advanced towards me I was scared of him who wouldn't be scared of a humongous wolf in the their bed which only leaves me to another question. Who's room is this? I heard him whimper to me I stopped trying to get out of bed and starred at the beast before me. The weird thing was when I looked at him something inside me told me to not look away if I did it meant that I lost which in turn I would never lose to anyone anymore.

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