Hunting and Rogue's?

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"They're what?" I was so confused were they going to hunt together then? "Well since this is a ceremony we hunt as a pack with it's newest member." I finally understood what was going to happen.

"We're hunting aren't we?" He nodded and started to undress "You might want to hurry because we are leading the hunt well you are since you are the newest member. This will see at where are you senses are at." I stripped out of my dress listening in on to what I should expect out of this hunt.

Once I was done stripping I got on all fours and started to shift thank the Lord Jesus it didn't hurt the first time. I shook out my fur and licked my right paw waiting for Ambrose to shift into his wolf. I could hear the breaking of bones skin tearing slightly to let the bones shift correctly.

I felt a bump to my left to see Leon, Izy and Joseph all waiting for us. I yipped at them and bounded towards Izy to nuzzle her neck with mine. Joseph bumped into me licking my face then rubbing his whole body over covering his scent over me.

Damn it always the same with him and Ambrose. I just went along with it not wanting him to be angered since he could kick my ass anytime he want's. Ambrose yipped at us to follow him he ran into the tree's while we followed closely behind.

I let my wolf take over a little more giving her this freedom she wished for. I couldn't even argue with her I loved the way the wind ruffled my fur, leaves crunching under my paws, hearing the little animals running around. I felt at peace here like I belonged here since I was born and maybe I did maybe this was my destiny.

At a clearing Ambrose stopped and came over to me he nudged my head with his a sign for me to do what I do best. Hunt. Hunt I did, I howled for the pack to follow me but this time I let my wolf have total control this was her element just like in human form was mine.

I drifted back in our mind and watched her work her magic. She sniffed the air until she caught a scent of deer not far from here. She ran fast until the other's were at a far distant she wanted to work alone on this for now she wanted the first kill and she'll get it by any mean's.

Far out to the distant in front of us was the herd of deer eating grass laying down. She started to slow down into a even trot she stopped a few feet away not to give her location. She scanned until her gaze fell upon the Alpha stag that one was her's but before she could kill him she had to feed her pack first. They came before her and her desires just like we promised tonight.

She slowly crept around a bush to hide herself making sure the way she was positioned her scent flowed the other way. She could feel her pack behind the border of the tree's making sure not to be seen by the prey. My wolf slowly crawled on her belly towards a fawn that was laying down away from the herd.

She crept until she was nearly on him and then she attacked. She bit down hard on the neck snapping it instantly she dragged it towards the pack but growled as some of the males came forward thinking that they would eat first. I'm not a feminist but damn these males pulled something from within me that just wants to beat all of their ass'es.

My wolf dropped the fawn at the feet of a few females she yipped at them and turned away. The males started to walk towards the females which in turned made them cower in fear. I growled at them giving them just a warning if they do it again I'm snapping at their ass'es for sure.    

I turned back to the herd for another kill and found a mother and her fawn grazing in the meadow. I prowled around them until I was a few feet from them and pounced on them before they even knew what hit them. They were both dead in seconds because of my wolf speed she loved the taste of death on her tongue.

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